super small but normal working cleavers (they are so small that you cant even see the exhaust trail or any explosion but besides this they do normal damage).
if you want to know: i got bored and so i toyd around with overload and a cleaver missile. they also have no mass.
how to use: zoom too the square block under the cockpit. there are three of them so the biggest problem is theyr color. if you want to show the orignial post link it up or name my account in your build (but id like the linking method more because it makes it easy to handle).
I will make a new post with all nessesary parts.@Irobert55
Let me look@Irobert55
@Potato21 how many are neccesary (real armor not for show parts)?
Maybe like, 70ish, it’s a lot.@Irobert55
@Potato21 i looked sorry buddy for the ios problem. if you could use mods it would be a great toy in with overload. so link me up and i will try my best. how many external plating has your tank?
Tagged ya@Irobert55
@Potato21 thats acutaly super easy. link me up and you will get the thing at longest on next monday morning.
I will tag you.@Irobert55
I need you to make the front gun 5X stronger, and the exterior fusalages 3X stronger.@Irobert55
@Potato21 say what you want i try it.
@Potato21 what can i do? strong big gun?
Ok, do you want to help me, it’s a tank. I just need xml@Irobert55
@Potato21 a little bit.
Actually, can you xml the strength of fusalages and the power of guns? If so could you help me @Irobert55
Maybe, working on a tank right now, after that, yes. I will make something with it.@Irobert55
@Potato21 or with other words: you will soon put out something with close to invisible cleavers on it? when yes then call me.
Yes! It’s is fun to use@Irobert55
thx @Potato21 do you like the smallest cruise missile in the game?
You can see the explosion, It is just so small you have to drop it on your cockpit@Irobert55
Oh lol i found them thx!!!!@Irobert55
@Jakzhpro the three that are realy fixed to something are all under the cockpit. the problem is that they are gray. use the zoom on the square block under the cockpit.
Umm i canr find the cleavers. R they near the cockpit?@Irobert55
@Jakzhpro the whole post actualy contains four of them so hard are they to use. but they are very fun to toy with. if you get them where you want.