528 ArleighBurke
2.5 years ago
Arleigh Burke and AGM84 Hapoon
General Characteristics
- Created On Android
- Wingspan 43.5ft (13.2m)
- Length 299.3ft (91.2m)
- Height 110.9ft (33.8m)
- Empty Weight 38,174lbs (17,315kg)
- Loaded Weight 51,468lbs (23,345kg)
- Power/Weight Ratio 0.261
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.009
- Wing Loading 109.8lbs/ft2 (536.3kg/m2)
- Wing Area 468.6ft2 (43.5m2)
- Drag Points 104924
- Number of Parts 311
- Control Surfaces 1
- Performance Cost 1,173
This guy just joined 2 hours ago and already making two ship while i already joined one years ago and still couldn't find out to make a freaking custom missile