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30.0k CN  8 months ago

Spawn as AI plane


TON 618 (short for Tonantzintla 618) is a hyperluminous, broad-absorption-line, radio-loud quasar and Lyman-alpha blob[2] located near the border of the constellations Canes Venatici and Coma Berenices, with the projected comoving distance of approximately 18.2 billion light-years from Earth.[a] It possesses one of the most massive black holes ever found, at 40.7 billion M?.[3]

Observational history
As quasars were not recognized until 1963,[4] the nature of this object was unknown when it was first noted in a 1957 survey of faint blue stars (mainly white dwarfs) that lie away from the plane of the Milky Way. On photographic plates taken with the 0.7 m Schmidt telescope at the Tonantzintla Observatory in Mexico, it appeared "decidedly violet" and was listed by the Mexican astronomers Braulio Iriarte and Enrique Chavira as entry number 618 in the Tonantzintla Catalogue.[5]

In 1970, a radio survey at Bologna in Italy discovered radio emissions from TON 618, indicating that it was a quasar.[6] Marie-Helene Ulrich then obtained optical spectra of TON 618 at the McDonald Observatory which showed emission lines typical of a quasar. From the high redshift of the lines Ulrich deduced that TON 618 was very distant, and hence was one of the most luminous quasars known.[7]



General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 68897.6ft (21000.0m)
  • Length 69594.0ft (21212.2m)
  • Height 68897.6ft (21000.0m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight N/A


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 5
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 19
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    30.0k CN

    @DatFiat126Fan19 lol

    17 days ago
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    This crashed sp, AND my phone when trying to download this awhile ago lmfao

    17 days ago
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    40.1k Majakalona

    Looks more like a planet

    8 months ago
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    18.3k LM0418

    @N0ble you don't have to remove it because you posted it early.. oh well, your decision.

    +2 8 months ago
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    Holy hell

    8 months ago
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    69.7k FlatterGuy

    @N0ble oh okay.

    8 months ago
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    30.0k CN

    @ZerkkZxe removed, i was actually supposed to post it next saturday

    +2 8 months ago
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    69.7k FlatterGuy

    What happen to your Us airways a320?
    Removed or you deleted it?

    +2 8 months ago