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II-665 Model C

19.6k AwesomeDesign717  8.4 years ago
Auto Credit Based on AwesomeDesign717's II-665 Model B

This new Soviet airarcft is deigned to counter the Nazi strikes by striking them back!!!!!!!!! Activation groups: 1-front/top turrent and guns. 2-front/bottom turrent and guns. 3-bomb bay (pull VTOL slider all the way to the top to open). 4-back/top turrent and guns. 5-guns in the wings. 6-additional bombs. 7-back/side turrent and guns. This aircraft is for General369's roleplay, enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor II-665 Model B
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 84.2ft (25.7m)
  • Length 64.8ft (19.8m)
  • Height 13.4ft (4.1m)
  • Empty Weight 21,249lbs (9,638kg)
  • Loaded Weight 29,892lbs (13,559kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.401
  • Wing Loading 33.8lbs/ft2 (165.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 884.7ft2 (82.2m2)
  • Drag Points 8316


  • Number of Parts 201
  • Control Surfaces 11
  • Performance Cost 1,025
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    Off the record, assuming she's using the 12.7 mm Berezin UB Heavy Machine-Guns, the muzzle velocity on these are 20 mps too slow and the weight of the bullet is severely underweight. (Meaning they should be faster and pack more of a punch.) Rate of fire is also underrated and should be about 13 rounds per second for a burst of 52 rounds. Tracer color should also be white. ;)

    8.4 years ago
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    @AwesomeDesign717 After numerous observations of the type in service, once leveled out at 20-30 thousand feet we have found a few holes in the defenses of the type. 3 o'clock high, 3 o'clock low, 9 o'clock high, 9 o'clock low and 12 o'clock on a slightly elevated level or from slightly below. You could cover all four areas but it would require breaking your' formations and continued evasive action - thus preventing the aircraft from reaching her targets. She tends to fly at just a bit over 500 mph, but sudden pitches can decrease this to the low 400 mph range in the blink of an eye, as where the Salamointi can exceed those speeds at that altitude. :D Turrets are also hand cranked thus wolf pack style attacks from multiple directions can easily overwhelm her gun crews. Range is also surprisingly short which means she'd have trouble hitting targets deep in Finland unless stationed at forward air fields. Feel free, in fact, we welome you to station them close to our borders - our Ilmailuvoimien Lentokonetehdas has become remarkably adept at repairing and refitting Soviet types and, in our colors, using them against you. :evilgrin:

    8.4 years ago
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    9,108 GriffithAir

    @AwesomeDesign717 no problem

    8.4 years ago
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    @DragonAerotech Thanks!!

    8.4 years ago
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    @GriffithAir Thanks!!

    8.4 years ago
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    @ccooper Thanks!!

    8.4 years ago
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    @Ihatelava123 Thanks!!

    8.4 years ago
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    @DragonAerotech You will have a hard time :)

    8.4 years ago
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    @General360 This is for your roleplay

    8.4 years ago
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    Hmm ... this one will be a little rougher for the Ilmavoimat's VL Salamointi fighters to take down than other Soviet types - but we'll still take you down ... damn Reds!

    8.4 years ago
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    9,108 GriffithAir

    You are getting a shout out

    8.4 years ago