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[OTW] Nakajima Ki-5

56.3k TheUltimatePlaneLover  3 days ago
Auto Credit Based on KPLBall's Otesk war Plane challenge

Otesk War!

Haha goofy ahh Japanese Piper go brrr

Ok no seriously we actually cooked with this one.

Behold the Ki-5. Basically a supercharged Piper built in the 1930s.

Its armament consists of four 7.7mm machine guns, but it has four hardpoints which can carry a variety of payloads. The current loadout consists of two gunpods, each sporting lethal and infamous 75mm cannons.

OTW Note: KPLBall once said, "It will be like the Japanese version of the US TBD Devastators; good one day, bad the next."

It's very maneuverable, and surprisingly fast, despite looking like otherwise. Also one of my easiest planes to land XD
That's all you need to know to become an ace in this plane

Good luck have fun!

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Otesk war Plane challenge
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 28.3ft (8.6m)
  • Length 26.9ft (8.2m)
  • Height 11.2ft (3.4m)
  • Empty Weight 3,284lbs (1,489kg)
  • Loaded Weight 5,036lbs (2,284kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.297
  • Wing Loading 26.1lbs/ft2 (127.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 193.3ft2 (18.0m2)
  • Drag Points 2803


  • Number of Parts 82
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 420
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    19.2k KPLBall

    5/10 Looks (a bit ugly)
    10/10 function
    10/10 Relevance
    10/10 Weaponry
    10/10 description
    10/10 Country Roundel effort
    3/10 Camo effort
    0/10 Interior design
    10/10 Firepower
    5/10 speed (very slow)
    9/10 Defense/armor
    8/10 Manuverability
    overall 90/120
    (Pls pin)

    Pinned 3 days ago
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    71.2k Apollo018362

    THATS what i call a great screenshot!

    2 days ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover Japanese bush plen

    3 days ago
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