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[TGT_GROUND] 10cm Kanone 04

87.5k Monarchii  1.2 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Yish42's Target challenge! (Closed)

Ground Targets..?

I'm happy to say that she's the third somewhat successful test for a cannon for AI use, although I can't seem to make it works a good as @Kendog84's [ 85mm Gun ] cause of some stuff but in base form, my cannon is practically somewhat the same in function! IRL rate of fire is abysmal so i gave the Germans some [EXPUNGED] and kicked down the loading process to 12 seconds so that's good, mhm.

[ Build Specifications ]

  • AI-capable Cannon : 3p
  • Basic Frame : 2p
  • Basic Gun Model : 1p
  • Recoiling Recuperator(a.k.a fancy barrel movement) : 2p
  • Autoleading Rotator : 3p

total : 10 development points
enjoyment : 8 out of 10
notes : despite all tries, I just cannot integrate the system Kendog84 did, so i basically did the winterro Cannon Activator, that's why it's 8/10 instead of full 10/10 cause ima be honest i enjoyed the gun building process! might do one of this again if i get around how to make the gun work by swarms.

The 10 cm Kanone 04 (10 cm K 04) was a field gun used by Germany in World War I. It was the second heavy gun with modern recoil system accepted by the German Army. It was produced as a replacement for the 10 cm K 99 and the lange 15 cm Kanone 92. Although the standard version lacked a gunshield, some models, such as the 10 cm K 04/12, were fitted with a special gunshield and some other minor modifications. There was only 32 in service at the outbreak of the war.

[ Controls ]

  • TargetSelected
  • (if ai-spawned) a bit of missile noise, wait a minute.. and the haubitzen has been fired!

[ Armament ]

  • 10cm(105mm actually, 4.13in) Kanone 04 Field Gun

Obligatory K 04 Picture



General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Target challenge! (Closed)
  • Successors 1 airplane(s) +14 bonus
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 6.4ft (2.0m)
  • Length 25.0ft (7.6m)
  • Height 6.8ft (2.1m)
  • Empty Weight 12,368lbs (5,610kg)
  • Loaded Weight 12,368lbs (5,610kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 54


  • Number of Parts 35
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 176
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    26.5k Kendog84

    (My comment got cut off, it was probably too long. Here's the rest:)
    But AI will stop firing the cannon under some conditions (I'm not sure what exactly are those conditions), and when it stops, you basically have to make it, the AI, repeat the process if you want it to fire a cannon again. And this is how my Missile & Rotator based bot trigger mechanism works. Every time AI stops firing its weapons (=not pressing down on the Virtual.. Insanity.. jk, FireWeapons button), missile re-activates, so AI can & will fire a missile again.
    Feel free to throw me more questions about this thing if you don't understand something about it. I try my best to explain it, but it's kinda convoluted and it can be hard to tell how well I'm explaining it.

    Pinned 1.2 years ago
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    26.5k Kendog84

    Sorry for my late response chii, been kinda occupied.
    Anyhow, no problem at all:)
    So, the radar-tator and the activation missile+the orange cannon are separate things.
    "Radar-tator" is a mechanism which rotates the Cockpit (set as Primary) 360 degrees until it finds a target (and reset when it does). This is for helping the AI find a target. It's needed for "enemy AI turret" type builds because aggressive AI has a frontal field of vision that's probably less than 180 degrees (angle is based on the current heading of the main cockpit block) and only "sees" other active planes inside this cone. Only exception I know is when the AI gets locked-on by other active plane's missile from any angle, in which case it can "see" the threat and react to it.
    The orange cannon is a part of a mechanism which limits the maximum firing range (altitude & distance) of the flak gun. This is an optional thing, mainly for realism & (I suppose,) game mechanic.
    Basically, AI must keep firing a weapon/ (=a cannon) if you want it to keep firing/using a cannon. Meaning, if you give it only a cannon(s) that disables itself under certain conditions, it stops firing under said conditions, and it won't fire the cannon again. But you do want to disable the cannon under some conditions, so what you can do is to give it a fake cannon to replace the "real" cannons when the real ones are disabled.
    I think technically it's probably possible to give this function to the bot trigger missile, and remove the fake cannon, but I think that'll probably introduce some other nuisances.
    As for the trigger (Activation) conditions for the fake and real cannons, you just need to write an Activation FT for the real cannons as a Custom Variable (condition which activates the real cannons), and give the same variable to the fake gun as its activation FT except with an inverse function (=!).
    How AI uses cannons
    I should write a quick refresher on how AI uses cannons. Basically, AI never uses air-to-air weapons other than missiles (as weapons, using FireWeapons input) under normal conditions. (I don't think they ever use air-to-ground only weapons)
    But if it fires a missile that's AtA (including multirole), and "runs out" of that missile, AI switches to the next AtA weapon, while still pressing-down on the virtual FireWeapons button. And if the next weapon is a cannon, it continues to press down on the virtual FireWeapons button, which causes the cannon to fire. This is how AI fires a cannon (in current version of the game).

    Pinned 1.2 years ago
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    9,034 Yish42

    Look 4/5
    Target 2.5/5
    Special 4/5
    Very simple,yet amazing

    Pinned 1.2 years ago
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    87.5k Monarchii


    +1 11 months ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG can it blow up this question mark?

    11 months ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover theoretically, yes

    11 months ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG can it blow up my non-existent girlfriend

    11 months ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover no promises :3

    11 months ago
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    @MonarchiiwithastolenMG but can it blow up the stock market

    +1 11 months ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover relic of the past proves itself yet again XD

    11 months ago
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    This is the thing that's been blowing up M49s in the Monarchii War

    +1 11 months ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @StarSP1001 eh, fine by me

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    62.7k Maluch

    You are in the fourth place, @Monarchii

    1.2 years ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    oh and, thanks again!

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @Kendog84 thank you for even writing that much lel

    so about the orange cannon, let's say that the input is TargetDistance<1000 and i set it in variables as CanTo, does that mean if I write !CanTo then the activation flips to TargetDistance>1000?

    i guess that's the only thing i want to be 100% sure of.. beside that, this Cannon has the RadarTator(taken from yours) and the BAAG disabler, but sometimes i had it crash on me when i made the "Swarm" version(basically like yours which disabled the targeting reticle) but i had to wait for it to spawn one by one or it just don't want to fire, which made me confused pretty much, i guess ill see how the next target ground goes which hopefully works

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @ShinyGemsBro "oh no, not the devil dogs!"

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    proceeds to procure one and Light Tank Destroyer I

    1.2 years ago
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    51.5k ShinyGemsBro

    @Monarchii ..Sir, they gave Germans meth. Send the Marines

    1.2 years ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @ShinyGemsBro I cannot confirm nor deny it, however, it is a white powder(hopefully it's just powdered sugar :P)

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    51.5k ShinyGemsBro

    You gave Germans meth, didn't you

    1.2 years ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @alann thanks!

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    6,274 alann

    Very good

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @WritersCrusadersAirCo yehh, since it's a test only, it's just a standard howitzer(explosions and all, HE rounds basically, we all know how powerful that is in SP..), it's weakness to fast moving vehicles as far as i can tell is thanks to it's slow traverse(it's a towed gun after all) and its relative slow velocity, im thinking of making more of this as soon as i can when i get into it, my idea initially was basically hoping that i can spawn a lot of this and run around driving pretty much but i have yet to understand how everything works pretty much.. oh and, thanks!

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    87.5k Monarchii

    @Yish42 hm, i see... i think I'll refrain then, thanks for clarifying!

    +2 1.2 years ago
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    9,034 Yish42

    @Monarchii well,if you dont like this one you can alway make another entry
    Your entry with most point will be the one that I'll use to give you the prices

    1.2 years ago
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