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Yeah, you can get crazy with these lights. I've done strings of 30 + different commands. The lowest you can go is 0.01 but you have to type the first zero before the decimal or it won't take it. Sometimes I go completely overboard with programming the lights crazy to see if anybody catches it. They never do. Like the lights under the nose of this plane click hereZ😹
@Zaineman oh yeah,well thank!
@Yish42 I like upvoting my friends. "I'm up, pullin others up" lol
😺@Zaineman and also did i win one of a challenge you made?i keep getting upvoted by you, what's happening?
@Yish42 Sorry bud 😿
@Zaineman you really tough i could download that? laught in performance cost
Yeah, you can get crazy with these lights. I've done strings of 30 + different commands. The lowest you can go is 0.01 but you have to type the first zero before the decimal or it won't take it. Sometimes I go completely overboard with programming the lights crazy to see if anybody catches it. They never do. Like the lights under the nose of this plane
click here
😹@Yish42 your welcome
@WellingtonCSSF thank!