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Rambojutter Mashup

31.0k Type2volkswagen  6.4 years ago
Auto Credit Based on RamboJutter's Adlersteiner ger chal entry2 Halfte Weltschmerz

Ooops I did it again!

Another Mashup, this time it's Rambojutter's submissions to the LuftWaffle Challenge - Reborn Post.


Standard Controls
AG1 retracts the flaps.
AG2 enables the rear gun (has its own camera position).
AG8 disables ailerons and elevator (for use when on the gun position) LandingGear retracts the front wheels.

Original Builders Notes:
Based very loosely on the Aerodyne II design form Cutangus on Deviantart, here is my entry for the competition. As everyone now knows the Germans where experimenting and developing advanced technology, in this instance they have combined their early Jumo jet engines (new larger model used) with a gearbox and counter rotating propellers to form turboprop ducted fans. This enables high speeds to be achieved while improving fuel economy. As with late war developments, short cuts where taken to enable faster production. The overall wing sections didn't need as much lift as a normal aircraft as the duct work for the ducted fans also increased lift, this allowed for a more slippery design and thus faster speeds while still maintaining a nice handing aircraft for landing. Armed with 8 MG17 machine guns (7.92mm) and 2 MG FF cannons (20mm) forward facing, 2 MG17 and 1 MG FF rear facing with two wing mounted weapons pylons, this design was equipped for bomber and fighter interception and also met Hitlers requirements for all aircraft to also be able to carry bombs (Hitler had an aversion to fighters late war and required all new aircraft to be bombers.) The majority of camo has been built with the panels so there isn't any flickering of colors.

Load time with this part count is 1:46 on my PC. Comments Welcome.

General Characteristics


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.713
  • Wing Loading 2.8lbs/ft2 (13.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2,976.9ft2 (276.6m2)
  • Drag Points 1685


  • Number of Parts 1204
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 3,694