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VRN. Conquer Battlecruiser

8,427 BlinIndustry  2.0 years ago


The legendary VRN "Conquer" Battlecruiser was one of the two "Conquer" class Battlecruiser serving the Vawanian Republic Navy (VRN). Same as her sister ship: VRN "Mon", they both laid down in 1943 during the 1st continental war. However due to the 1st Continental War, the construction was delayed until 1949. In 1950, the Conquer started serving the United Power Navy and the Vawanian Republic Navy.
The Conquer served the VRN for 42 years and scored 18 kills on KDP's cruisers, 4 kills on Aircraft Carriers, 2 kills on Battlecruisers and shot downed 400+ Aircrafts until got sunk by KDP's ships,aircrafts & missiles during the Last Battle in 1992.

As the conqueror sunk, she becomes the icon of the fall of the Vawan Republic and The United Power.

However, as her sister ship VRN Mon failed to scuttle into the ocean during the 3rd Continental War, the Nekoslavia captured the ship and learnt a lot of technology from her, which helped the Nekoslavia constructed properly the Most Powerful Warship in the world - the Olymburg Class Battlecruiser.

[Control Features]

  • Roll & Pitch Controlled Cannon & CIWS
    The title said all of it
  • The Camera decided when will the CIWS activate
    The CIWS will activate when you switch your camera onto it. Oh yeah there are 6 sections of CIWS: front, rear, front part (left/right), back part (left/right)
  • Limited Anti Ship Missiles launching angle.
    This ship did not have VLS, as the missiles can't go backwards, the Missiles will only activate when the target is at the left side/right side of the ship.


  • AG1: Activate the RIM-7s
  • AG2: Activate the AGM-84 Harpoons
  • Throttle: Forward
  • Brake: No, why you need to brake when you sail on a infinite ocean?
  • Yaw: Turning
  • Roll & Pitch: controls the CIWS & Cannon


3×2 508mm Cannon
12×2 20mm Phalanx CIWS
6×4 AGM-84 Harpoon Launcher (L.side & R.side)
2×15 RIM-7 AA Missile Launcher (Front & Rear)

Weapon that will not be used in SP*

4×3 underwater torpedo launcher.
8×1 Active Protection System

[Other Equipment]

4 Radar
2 Sonar

[Design History]

The Conqueror class Battlecruiser is part of the Vawan's Super Weapon Projects. It was started due to 2 incidents during the 1st Continental War.

The sinking of the VRN Zeus

The VRN Zeus was a powerful Battleship. However, during the Battle of Honkai Bay, VRN Zeus was sunk by just a salvo from a Nekoslavian Heavy cruiser NSN Roon. That wasn't because the Zeus did not have enough protection, it is because the Nekoslavian 203mm cannon are able to equip with the unique self-made HESH-N2 projectiles, which results the VRN Zeus suffers enormous damage from a salvo and causing the ammunition gets detonated.
Most importantly, Zeus was able to one shot Roon. However, this battle shows that Nekoslavia have much better range finding ability and cannon accuracy. All HESH rounds from Roon were precisionly hits the Zeus, which proven that even the ammunition didn't detonated, without the advantage of accuracy Zeus will still get destroyed in the battle.

The ILN "Shogun" incident

The ILN Shogun was a Lietkava battleship, but sunk by 2 Fritz-X that air-dropped from long distance.

These 2 painful incidents causes the project leader demands that the ship must have 3 major abilities.

  • First, the ship must able to detect and intercept incoming missiles or glide bomb.

  • Second, the ship must able to protect against the Nekoslavian ship-fired HESH or other powerful projectiles.

  • Third, not only missiles, the ship must also able to detect and intercept incoming torpedoes.

After serval years of research, the project decided serval basic features that the ship will have.

  • First, the ship will have composite armour as the protection for against the Nekoslavian latest projectiles.
  • Second, total 4 radars will be equipped for tracking missiles, planes and even range finding.
  • Third, 2 sonar will be equipped for detecting incoming torpedoes and submarines.
  • Fourth, 50 knots of full speed.
  • Fifth, the main gun will have 10 seconds of reload for maximum firepower.
  • Sixth, the ammunition must be compartment.

As the year keep going, VRN Conqueror are able to keep getting upgrades from installing new equipments. In 1959, Conqueror replaced the reconnaissance aircrafts with Anti-Ship missile launchers. She also start equipping RIM-66s for anti-air defence.

[Combat History]

This is where the lore begins, skipping or ignoring the lore is recommended if you can't handle my dumb English ability or the amount of the lore.
You have been warned

VRN Conquer start serving the United Power Navy/ Vawanian Republic Navy in 1950, as the 2nd Continental War broke out in 1960, the Conquer were used for sea control and ship-to-ship warfare, same as her sister ship VRN Mon.

First Battle

In the beginning of the 2nd Continental War, VRN Conquer joined the attack on Maga Harbour along with the troops & tanks on the land. As the Conquer was close to the harbour, the Honkai Federation Navy brought all the ship in the port including 2 Battleships, 8 Cruisers and 1 Aircraft Carrier into the battle.
However, Conquer managed to shot first and hits the battleship HFN Ise and the cruiser HFN Sakura. Sakura was got one shot via detonated the ammunition and killed 700+ crews on it. Ise and other remaining ships return fire but barely able to damage the Conquer.
Soon, total 80 Anti Ship missiles were launched towards the Conquer from the land and the air. Those missiles were arriving the Conquer in the same time but Conquer intercepted all of them.
As the Admiral knows they can't fight the Conquer with this power, the HFN tries to retreat from the harbour. But Conquer keep shooting and one shot 7 other cruisers. HFN Nagato and Ise also got hit, but managed to flee. The Aircraft carrier HFN Raimen was not lucky, due to slow speed she was too slow and too big to outrun the Conquer. As the result, she got sunk by the Conquer along with 1,200 crews.
Conquer actually can keep going, however as the Vawan Airforce can't fully control the airspace, the Conquer stopped the operation and using the port that the Vawanian captured.
Although unable to destroy all the ships, but this battle already shows that how powerful is the VRN Conquer.
As for the HFN ships, total 100+ rounds were fired, but the Conquer only got light damage from those projectiles. However, Conquer only fired 20+ rounds and already enough to sunk 8 Cruisers and a Aircraft Carrier.

[1st Battle of the White Sea]

The largest naval battle in this war that took place in 1964. In this battle, including the Conquer the United Power Navy sent 16 Battleships, 25 Cruisers & 9 Aircraft Carrier into the battle. While the K.D.P sent 10 Battleships, 40 cruisers & 10 Aircraft Carrier into the battle.
Thanks to the help from the plane, VRN Conquer able to shot first. 4 rounds were fired from the 2 turret in the front and 2 of them hits the battleship NSN Amelia and causes medium damage, which forced Amelia leaves the battle. Later on, Nekoslavian battleships NSN Leburg and Revolution along with the Sheznovakian battleships VMFS Tempest and Snowstorm returns fire on the Conquer. Surprisingly, a round that came from NSN Revolution successfully hits and knocks out the B turret of Conquer; In the same time, 2 rounds from the VMFS Tempest respectively hits the front radar and the bridge.
As Conquer ends up losing a radar and a turret, the UPN fleet decided to turn left 90° for Conquer to use the C turret. Meanwhile the KDP fleet also turned right 80° for more firepower.

The shows begin

When they all got the best angle for all the gun, both fleets start firing cannons and missils along with the aircraft carrier keep launching aircraft into the battle; which turning the whole battlefield into a big show of fleet vs fleet.

VRN Conquer used her remaining guns fired a salvo onto the Battleship NSN Huttenburg. 2 rounds hits and damaged the Huttenburg. Then, Huttenburg returns a salvo, 3 out of 8 rounds hits the Conquer and respectively damages the rear super structure and 2 CIWS.
10 Seconds later, Conquer reloaded first and fire a salvo again. This time, 3 out of 4 rounds hits the Huttenburg and knocks out 2 front turret. Battlecruiser NSN Hood decided to back up and turned 2 turret on the Conquer while using 2 other turret fighting the Battleship ILN Dragon. Hood fired and managed to did some damage the Conquer. However, Conquer fired 2 rounds on Hood, 1 of them goes straight into the ammo storage, ends up Hood got blows up in 2 part and start sinking; which Conquer scored a kill on a Battlecruiser.
VMFS Tempest fired 6 rounds on the Conquer to revenge for Hood, 3 rounds hit and knocks out the A turret.
The sentence above only mentioned about the fight between Conquer and other KDP Battleships/Battlecruiser.
However in this 15 minutes battle, both UPN fleet and KDP fleet already suffering from heavy lost. For the Cruisers, UPN lost 25 of them; and KDP lost 12. For the Battleships/Battlecruiser, UPN lost 5 Battleships; KDP lost 3 Battleships and a Battlecruiser NSN Hood. For the aircraft carrier, UPN and KDP also lost 3 of them.
UPN already lost a lot of ship, in addition, although the Conquer only took light damage, but she already lost 2 turret in the fight, which also decreased the overall firepower of the whole fleet.
As results, UPN fleet forced to retreat from the battle. Same as KDP fleet, as they're inside the United Power controlled airspace they also retreat from the battle after the UPN fleet leaves.

In this battle, VRN Conquer scored a kill on Battlecruiser; 10 kills on Cruisers and 1 kill on Aircraft Carrier.
But if we look deeper, Conquer also helped the whole fleet on Anti Air Defense. The KDP launched 200+ Missiles from the ships and planes onto the UPN fleet, but 90% of them were intercepted by Conquer's powerful Anti-Air support. Conquer also scored 70+ kills on KDP Aircrafts.

And still, even the Conquer got hit by serval projectiles and the ammo storage still safe, this battle shows that the Conquer does not have enough protection on the Main Gun; some of the Nekoslavian projectiles were still available to penetrate the front armour of the turret.
As result, when Conquer getting repaired in the harbour, she also got armour and protection upgrade for the battle in the future.

[Battle of Southern Sea]

aka. The battle of 2 titans

In 1964 few months after the 1st Battle of the White Sea, VRN Conquer got new upgrades and ordered to sail to the Southern Sea along with the Battleship ILN Dragon and Battlecruiser VRN Honour to attack and cut the supply channel of the KDP.
Though the careful planning, the Conquer able to sneak into the Southern Sea. However, instead meeting a group of Freighter, Conquer and her 2 other battleships meet up the United Power most wanted Nekoslavian ship-The NSN Roon.
As it spoke, the NSN Roon was wanted because once she sunk the Vawanian most powerful battleship VRN Zeus during the 1st Continental War in 1943. Not even the Zeus, 3 Battleships and 8 Battlecruisers also sank by the Roon; those events decreased the moral of the United Power Navy, as results the Admiral ordered the ships must sink the Roon once they meet her.
However, instead of meeting the "Heavy Cruiser Roon", she already upgraded into the "Battlecruiser Roon". NSN Roon replaced the 203mm Main Gun to the brand new 4×2 380mm/N3 Main Gun with 6×1 76mm OTOMATIC, 10×2 40mm CIWS and 2×4 550mm Torpedo Launcher. The only cons of Roon is lack of Missiles Launching ability.
Conquer's radar finds Roon on the radar, she and 2 other Battleships Dragon and Honour immediately fired all the Anti-Ship missiles on
Roon, but they all gets intercepted by the CIWS and the OTOMATICs.
Conquer decided to wait until the Roon get in the gun range of 52km. But suddenly, Roon fired first at the range of 65km. 3 rounds successfully hits the Conquer and damaged the B turret and the front radar, thanks to the upgrade the B turret didn't get knock out.
But 8 seconds later, Roon turn right 80 ° and fired a salvo respectively on the Conquer and ILN Dragon. 4 rounds precisionly landed on the Conquer's deck, although the deck is strong enough to protect the ship from bombs, missiles and other projectiles, but 2 of the rounds from Roon penetrated the deck and hits and ammunition storage, causing an explosion. Thanks to the fire extinguishing system the explosion was controlled and did not destroy the whole ship.
However, ILN Dragon was not lucky enough; 2 of the rounds hits the ammunition storage, as she don't have compartmented ammunition storage, the ship blow up in half and destroys the watch tower, killed 1400 crews on it.
The Conquer tries to keep sailing in a random direction to avoid the projectiles before reaching the gun range. It works pretty well.
At the distance of 50km, Conquer turn left 80°and fired a salvo. 2 out of 6 rounds hit the Roon's superstructure and caused some damage. Then, Roon fired a salvo back. Unlike the Conquer, 7 out of 8 rounds hits the Conquer and damages the Missile launchers, which caused serval explosion and fire and killed serval crews nearby.
Conquer returns a salvo again, 4 rounds hits the Roon; 2 of them get bounced or failed to penetrate and 2 of them hits and knocks out the C turret temporary.
Both ships keep firing while keep closing in, at the range of 40km VRN Honour reachs the gun range and starts firing. Serval rounds hits the roon but damage were not too bad. Meanwhile Roon repaired the C turret and fire both C and D gun on Honour. 3 rounds hits the citadel and blow up several ammunition storage, which cause the whole ship get destroyed, killing all 1000 crews onboard.
After that, Conquer and Roon keep firing at each other for 10 minutes. Both sides start taking medium damage. But soon, Roon fired a round on Conquer and hits the bridge, which made a lot of shrapnells and killed the captian.
In the end, as both ships already took heavy damage, they received order to withdraw from the battlefield. First, Conquer's crews refused to leave and claim they must die with the Roon. But as the Sheznovakian Battleship VMFS Kremlin is coming to help the Roon, Conquer finally agreed to withdraw from the battlefield. And the 30 minutes battle finally came to an end.

["Navy Holiday"]

In the middle of the Continental War at 1969, as most of the battle focusing away from the ocean, Conquer usually stayed inside the port along with her sister ship VRN Mon.
During the time, Conquer and her sister ship VRN Mon received upgrade, they installed the 6×4 AGM-84 Harpoon missile launchers and 2×15 RIM-7 AA Missiles. The CIWS also got minor upgrades.
This holiday last until 1975, where the KDP starts launching a large counter attack.

[Battle of East Coast]

aka. The 2nd battle of the titians

In 1976, as the United Power starts losing in the East Front, the Conquer was ordered to head to there for support.
This time, Conquer wasn't going alone again, she and her sister ship VRN Mon went for a sortie to help the United Power fights the KDP army at the city of Kremlin in Sheznovakia.
Conquer and Mon start bombing the land to destroy KDP tanks and troops. KDP launched 180 Missiles on them in a same time, but all missiles were intercp by the CIWS and RIM-7s.
However, after 5 minutes of bombardment, Conquer's radar spotted serval ships on the radar 90km away. After identifying the target, they confirmed that the NSN Roon along with 7 battleships were heading into the battlefield.
Conquer and Mon immediately head in and intercept. Just like the previous time, Roon fired in the range of 65km. But this time, Conquer and Mon learnt to keep evading the projectiles from a distance, they both successfully evaded most of the rounds and gets into the gun range.
Roon fired a salvo again, all rounds hit the Conquer and caused a small fire, luckily non of them penetrate the deck and the belt armour.
Conquer and Mon returns a salvo, total 6 rounds hit the Roon and caused some damage. However as the distance start getting closer, 7 other KDP Battleships reached the gun range and start firing, which put the Conquer and Mon into a small disadvantage. As the projectiles keep landing onto the Conquer and Mon, even they have strong armour they started receiving some damages.
6 minutes after the battle, Roon launched 4 torpedoes and fired onto the Conquer again. 3 rounds hit the Conquer and knocks out the C turret, 2 other rounds hit the super structure and wounded some crews.
Conquer and Mon fired again, this time the salvo successfully knocks out all the turrets on Roon and caused a medium scale of fire.
However, as the sonor didn't activated, the Conquer didn't realise that Roon's torpedoes is coming to her. When the crews found out it was too late, 1 torpedoe was intercepted, but 3 other torpedoes successfully hit the Conquer which caused flooding to the ship.
Although there's still a bit chance to sink the Roon, but Conquer already took heavy damage from flooding and KDP's powerful AP shells, same as the Mon. In addition, as the Conquer stopped the artillery support, United Power troops lost the advantage quickly and the KDP starts take over the battlefield.
As KDP received advantage, more missiles were able to launch towards the Conquer. Although Conquer can intercept all of them, but Conquer already took heavy damage, and furthermore even the Roon lost all her main guns, the 7 other KDP Battleships would still possible to knock out the CIWS and put the Conquer into a great danger.
In the end, the headquarter ordered the Conquer and Mon withdraw from the Battlefield quickly; which the KDP gain tactical victory in this area.


As Conquer and Mon lose the Battle of East Coast, the United Power Navy moral were heavily decreased, which caused the Conquer and Mon got stayed in the port for a long time until 1981.

During the time in the port, the KDP Air force keeps launching aircrafts to strike the port, which keep delaying the repair progress of the Conquer.
However, as the Conquer have powerful AA ability, during the 6 months of Air Strike the Conquer successfully shots down 100+ KDP Aircrafts and intercepted over 600 missiles

[2nd Battle of the White Sea]

In 1985, as the KDP keep advancing, the Conquer got moved to the West Front to defend the control of the white sea.
1 week after the Conquer joined the White Sea Fleet, KDP sent 15 Aircraft Carriers, 10 Battleships, 15 Battlecruisers and 20 Cruisers to push through the UPN's blockage. Meanwhile, including the Conquer, due to the heavy lost in the past they only got 10 Battleships, 8 Aircraft Carriers and 18 Cruisers remaining in the White Sea.
As losing the battle was granted, Conquer received an order: "Sink as much ships as possible."
At first, both KDP and UPN aircraft carriers launched aircrafts into the air and launched a lots of missiles on each other ships. However, both fleets successfully intercepted all incoming missiles, so the UPN fleet decided to close in and use their main guns instead.
As KDP fleet reached the gun range, Conquer respectively aimed the A and B turret and fired 2 rounds on each Aircraft Carriers VMFS Makrov and NSN Oburg. 1 round landed on Oburg and caused a fire, while 2 rounds hit the Makrov and detonated the ammunition. As result, Aircraft Carrier Makrov got blow up and sunk into the sea.
10 seconds later, as KDP fleet still not reached their gun range, Conquer fired another shot on Oburg; 3 rounds successfully hit and penetrated the deck, the rounds go through and head into the ammunition, resulting Oburg get sunk via ammunition detonated.
After that, Conquer aimed the front turrets onto Battlecruiser HFN Amagi and fired. 2 rounds hit the deck and knocks out the B turret. Then, Conquer fired another shot, 3 rounds penetrated the deck into the citadel and detonated the ammunition, which blow the Amagi in half and sank it.
However, when KDP fleet reached the gun range, they turned left 80° for available to use all the guns. Next, all KDP 10 Battleships and 15 Battlecruisers fired a "big" salvo onto the UPN fleet. With this amount of rounds, Conquer received around 60+ rounds from KDP, which knocks out the A turret and B turret and caused a large amount of damages.
Thanks to the great protection from composite armour, Conquer was safe from getting sink. But the ships along with Conquer were not lucky. Aside the Conquer, the UPN lost all 9 Battleships,9 Aircraft Carriers and 18 Cruisers from KDP fleet's big salvo.
As results, Conquer immediately leaves the battlefield at full speed.

After the battle, Conquer returned to her port. She also received an upgrade via installing a special 8×1 Active Protection System. Instead of only intercept incoming missiles, this new system also intercept incoming projectiles.
This was also the last upgrade that Conquer even received, as her next battle will be her last battle.

[The Last Battle]

In 1992, just like the previous missions, Conquer was ordered to defense the west front to avoid the KDP's fleet break through. Instead of defending in white sea, United Power already almost retreated back to thier own territory, except the city of Valia which originally owned by the Honkai Federation.
As KDP starts taking back the Valia, Conquer and 10 other Cruisers went to there to support the United Power troops.
The Conquer's fleet started providing artillery support once they arrived.
2 minutes later, the KDP spotted the Conquer, including the NSN Roon they sent 20 Battlecruisers with 4 Aircraft Carriers spreading on 2 directions to surround siege the area.
Conquer founds out and starts to withdraw from the battle. But suddenly, 2 Nekoslavian Su-33 approaches the Conquer very quickly via sea skimming and fired total of 4 P-270 Missiles on her. First 3 missiles were intercepted, but the 4th missiles hits the back of the ship and damaged the propulsion system, which decreased Conquer's top speed from 50 knots to 35 knots. With this speed, the KDP fleets were able to catch up and create a blockage and successfully surrounded the Conquer.
As Conquer were not able to escape, KDP Battlecruisers starts firing continuously. But thanks to the new APS, the Conquer managed to intercept most of the rounds; only serval rounds managed to hit her with minimum damage.
Conquer returns fire, but the KDP Battlecruisers already got protection upgrades which limited the power of her 508mm AP rounds.
As the KDP Battlecruisers can't do much damage to the Conquer, KDP army on the land start launching Anti-Ship missiles on her, but all of them were intercepted by the CIWS.
When the battle looks endlessly, 5 Su-33 that flew by the Nekoslavian Special Operation Forces NSOF approaches via sea skimming at high speed. Conquer spotted them and fire the CIWS continuously, however that was a trap. The Su-33s immediately climbs up, not only for avoiding, but also making a space for them to drop thier 3000ibs free-bomb bomb. Total 10 bombs were dropped, although all of them were intercepted, but 1 of them exploded too close and knocked out 2 APS, which created a gap for the KDP.
After that, 6 other NSOF Su-33s approaches again and using the gap as cover. 3 of them fired total of 6 P-270s on the Conquer at further range and leaves, while 3 others wait until get close enough to drop the 3000ibs bomb. As planned, the P-270s and the remaining Su-33s arrived the Conquer in the same time. When the CIWS starts intercepting the P-270, 3 other Su-33s climbs up and dropped 6 3000ibs bombs on her. All the P-270s were intercepted, but it was too late to intercept the incoming bombs. 6 out of 2 3000ibs bombs successfully landed on the Conquer, which caused an massive explosion and knocked out all the APS and CIWS.
Without the APS and CIWS, the Conquer were no longer available to protect herself from KDP Battlecruisers and Aircrafts. As the Battlecruisers and Aircrafts continuously attack the Conquer, she slowly lost all the turret, and then losing all the firepower.
Even the composite armour can't protect her anymore. After 3 minutes of raining rounds and missiles, the Conquer received enough damage and sank into the ocean.
The 10 other Cruisers along with Conquer also faced the same fate, as losing AA support from the Conquer, all 10 Cruisers immediately get sunk by the KDP battlecruisers.


United Power Navy already lost a lot of moral due to KDP's successful counter attack in the middle of the Continental War. But after the Sinking of the Conquer, the situation got even worse.
For the leaders of the United Power Union, instead of being despair, they feel anger on the KDP. Even when the 2nd Continental War come to an end and the United Power army already heavily weakened, due to the sinking of the Conquer they still planning on a revenge plan.
As results, the United Power launched the 3rd Continental War in 2007. And as expected, the KDP won the 3rd Continental War and took over the whole United Power Union, and put the conflict between the United Power and the Kosvland Defense Pact into an end.

The end


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 86.6ft (26.4m)
  • Length 799.7ft (243.8m)
  • Height 218.5ft (66.6m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 370,969lbs (168,269kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.136
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.021
  • Wing Loading 63.5lbs/ft2 (310.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 5,839.7ft2 (542.5m2)
  • Drag Points 9583


  • Number of Parts 734
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 4,807