The AMRMPM-2.1 (Advanced Medium-Range Multi-Purpose Missile) "Predator" is the successor to the AMRMPM-1 "Swatter", which was designed to reduce the pain that comes with choosing the right missile type for a specific situation. It can lock and destroy land, air and sea based targets with a combination of three different homing systems. It has a weight of just 88 lbs with detacher, goes quite far beyond supersonic speeds and can hit almost any target, even heavy maneuvering ones. Version 2.1 has reduced weight, better balance to improve the hit ratio, more firepower and reduced size.
- Interceptor
- Guardian
- Inferno
- Dumb Bomb (requires you to set the pylons on AGs)
Launch procedures:
Switch to the launch-mode that suits the current situation best, lock the target and launch.
Things you SHOULDN'T do when using them on your planes to prevent malfunctions and explosions:
- Move the missile on any other part than the pylon, otherwise the connections that were put into the XML will be broken
- Mirror the missile (pull the missile on the pylon and save it as a subassembly, then add missiles by dragging them from your subassemblies onto your creation)
- Mirror the whole creation after you have placed a missile on it (except when it's exactly in the center)
Credits to RAF1 for finding a way to make combined weapons without having to use AGs to launch them.
Feel free to use it on your creations!
Feedback and suggestions are appreciated!
Cheers! :)
How did you do it?
Very cool!