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SPVR Challenge

15.2k Kangy  2 months ago

Welcome to my SPVR Challenge,

This challenge is intended to bring further attention to SPVR friendly builds.
I was inspired by Winswings' 100 part VR challenge, however at the time the challenge didn't give enough time for me to get a build out as I had various things happening irl.

Here's the deal - you can make anything vehicular, aircraft, boat, land vehicle etc. But it must be VR friendly

Please read and understand all info provided. Please also feel free to ask any questions.

Hopefully I'll be able to spit out a build that suits the rules, I'll (fairly) judge my own build to give a reference to the scoring system as well.

CREDITS to rexzion & bakeing eff for testing on desktop

How your build is judged:

Functionality - How the build functions, are there any features that stand out?

Flight model / performance - Does the aircraft / vehicle perform realistically? Remember you're building for VR players, you can't do like 30G (in-game of course) and not walk away motion sick.

Scale - is the build scaled realistically? Can I reach out and touch things??

Build Looks - Does the build look realistic to its role or original design?

Cosmetics - does your build have a livery or extra details?

Description - if fictitious, does your build have a background? Do you give a cockpit tour? Do you make use of the in-game instructions feature?


Parts under 500
Each contestant is allowed one draft entry involving a test / feedback session - you can message me on discord at kangytheroo or just ping me on an unlisted post for me to test your build in VR for you. I will be harsh, but constructive criticism nets the best results.
Any builds that I deem too unrealistic will be disqualified, I'm all for a bit of fun, just don't make it unbelievable.
Must be a successor
Multiple entries are allowed, however an entrant is awarded overall on best entry as well as per categorical rewards.
Previous builds cannot be entered, however if it is a 'Work In Progress' & hasn't been posted publicly I will honor your entry.
Use the VR tag.

Failure to comply with these rules will result in disqualification, I will warn you of the more basic ones, ie the tag.

Categorical based judging:

Your builds will be grouped in several categories for judging. This could be based on a part count range, build type, time period etc.
These categories will be implemented as entries come in, however I will only generate categories for multiple entrants ie 3 entrants enter with a commonality, one might make a m4 sherman, another a heinkel, and the last makes a p51 (the most SP build ever), this would culminate in a 2nd world war category, which these entries would be judged against one another for a small prize (Pool of 9 upvotes or so).


Overall Prizes are given to the best builds across all categories.

Top Prize receives 15 Upvotes + Spotlight (you may donate this to someone if I can't spotlight you)
Second receives 10
Third receives 5
Top five receive 3
All legal entrants will be upvoted.

Final Submission date is 24/08/2024

I will be begin judging and a result will be determined as soon as possible.

the fished (alpha rizz sigmillionaire gyatt refrence)


General Characteristics

  • Successors 4 airplane(s) +382 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 11.2ft (3.4m)
  • Length 11.2ft (3.4m)
  • Height 11.6ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight 46lbs (21kg)
  • Loaded Weight 46lbs (21kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 34


  • Number of Parts 26
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 61
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    15.2k Kangy

    27th of September 2024
    A reminder to entrants that you can have me test your build for you once before you enter.
    Just upload it unlisted then tag me and I’ll test and give some feedback then go ahead and polish the build and enter

    Pinned one month ago
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    15.2k Kangy

    Results will likely be in a video, feedback is in comments but also in a video too

    Pinned one month ago
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    19.2k KPLBall

    @Kangy I added my own plen to the challenge

    one month ago
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    It won’t let me make it a successor, but if I do, it resets all the Colors and Funky Tree inputs

    one month ago
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    @Kangy o no

    one month ago
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    15.2k Kangy

    @AurouraPlanes no, you can’t have multiple successors. Therefore you can’t enter both.

    one month ago
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    @Kangy I do have a WIP that’s VR compatible, I think, but it’s supposed to be in the light cas challenge. Can a plane work for multiple challenges?

    one month ago
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    15.2k Kangy

    @AurouraPlanes read the rules

    one month ago
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    Could I use one of my already posted aircraft for this?

    one month ago
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    15.2k Kangy

    @rexzion WHAJ

    one month ago
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    44.2k rexzion

    the fised

    one month ago
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    15.2k Kangy

    @ThatRandomCouchPotato worded poorly, I meant anything vehicular

    2 months ago
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    15.2k Kangy

    @ThatRandomCouchPotato any type of vehicle

    2 months ago
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    What if I used you prop vr as an actual VR so you can have controls and walk around?

    2 months ago
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    19.2k KPLBall


    2 months ago
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    We can build anything?

    +1 2 months ago
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    15.2k Kangy

    @TheFlightGuySP great question! I'm happy to allow the build's entry, I think there's enough time here to get one out from scratch anyway.

    2 months ago
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    15.2k Kangy

    @Rb2h ah shoot thanks for that

    2 months ago
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    If I have an unfinished, work-in-progress build that I feel meets the requirements for this challenge, would I still be able to enter it if I've finished it before the deadline?

    +3 2 months ago
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    4,792 Rb2h

    should be "does your build have a livery or extra details?"

    2 months ago
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    4,792 Rb2h

    "does your build a livery or extra details?"

    2 months ago