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22.6k KudaOni  3 months ago

Knightmare Frame IFX-V3D1 Gawain From Code Geass


Developed by the Zevon Family of the Holy Britannian Empire, it is an unfinished prototype Knightmare frame that was stolen by the Black Knights, Zero and Kallen, during the exploration of the Thought Elevators on Kamine Island.


Integrated Float System:

  • The Gawain is one of the first Knightmares to have had a Float System that enables it flight.

Hadron cannons:

  • Equipped on it's shoulders are Hadron cannons that were initially very unstable and fires a blast over a large radius, but using the Gefjun Disturber modification by Dr. Rakshata, it was stabilized to fire accurate beams. [ In the Simpleplanes model, the beams can be adjusted through Beam mode or Blast mode by adjusting the Throttle ]

Slash Harkens

  • The fingers of the Gawain are all mini slash Harkens that are capable of extending to attack or subdue opponents


GearDown Mode:

Pitch + Roll: Head Articulation
VTOL: Adjust arm
Yaw: Rotate

GearUp Mode:

Activate1: Deploy Land Spinners
- Throttle: Move Forward
Activate2: T-Pose
Activate3: Engage Float System
- VTOL: Up/Down
- Pitch: Forward/Backwards
- Roll: Sidewards
- Yaw: Rotate
Activate4: Hadron Cannons
- Trim: Tilt entire Body
- Throttle: Adjust Beam Convergence
Activate5: Right Arm Articulation
- Trim: Slash Harkens
- VTOL: Up/Down Arm movement
Activate6: Left Arm Articulation
- Trim: Slash Harkens
- VTOL: Up/Down Arm movement

Deactivate 8 to fly Horizontally, Use Throttle to Adjust Speed

Important!!! Use with High Physics

Author's Notes:

Thank you guys so much for all the support you've given me!! I may have delayed posting this project cuz I had too much fun flying it and shooting stuff with it TuT. Anywho! Code Geass is my absolute favorite anime, and it's always been a goal of mine to rebuild this!

Here's the old Gawain I built:
alt text

Link to the Guren in the Pic:


Link to the Lancelot in the Pic:



General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 41.0ft (12.5m)
  • Length 29.9ft (9.1m)
  • Height 49.9ft (15.2m)
  • Empty Weight 48,412lbs (21,959kg)
  • Loaded Weight 66,137lbs (29,999kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4077.512
  • Wing Loading 9,591.3lbs/ft2 (46,828.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 6.9ft2 (0.6m2)
  • Drag Points 90


  • Number of Parts 719
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 3,890
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    52.6k Sadboye12

    @KudaOni i just realized the link to the old one is just right there 😂

    16 days ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    @Sadboye12 THANK YOU!! It's a rebuild of a build I did back then~

    +1 16 days ago
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    52.6k Sadboye12

    this is by far my favorite!! the hadron cannons are beautiful


    +1 16 days ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    @c144538707 oh yeah, the harkens aren't durable enough TuT
    I'll try fixing it

    3 months ago
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    @KudaOni PID is the float mode when normally activate 3

    3 months ago
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    After I test your lancelot... maybe the problem is your style.
    Even the normal size slash harkens on your lancelot is not durable.
    Maybe you need to ask that building skill from StinkyRice

    +1 3 months ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    @c144538707 What do you use to turn in the PID float mode? When flying in high speeds, Roll and Yaw would do a better job when turning. But at low speeds, Yaw is to turn, while Roll while let you move Horizontally left or right

    3 months ago
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    The PID(Float) flight mode. But at the normal plane mode, roll ok, pitch is a bit not enough than the roll

    +1 3 months ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    @c144538707 The turning for the land spinner mode? or the flight mode? Both? and yeah, I've tried multiple methods for making slash harkens, but most of it are a failure. I do like the slash harken I've installed on the Gawain though cuz it has a string, unlike my Lancelot.

    3 months ago
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    @KudaOni Only the turning is a bit not enough smooth
    And about Slash Harkens, not against you, I mean it's really not easy to make Slash Harkens in this game.
    Even gurren from StinkyRice, he uses a more monotonous, fixed pattern and bigger size to keep the quarter and durability

    +1 3 months ago
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    5,369 StinkyRice

    @KudaOni ahh i thought i made it too small, might make a big scale version....

    +1 3 months ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    @StinkyRice no no, it's not that small. The Gawain is just twice as big as it normally would be

    3 months ago
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    5,369 StinkyRice

    great build but is the guren really that small? i saw the scale compared to the pilots size and base it off a passenger model

    +1 3 months ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    Thanks for the spotlight!!!!

    3 months ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    @c144538707 Oh... what's hard to control about it? And do you have any suggestions on what to control the Harkens with?

    3 months ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    @Kingaster Thanks!! I've always wanted to rebuild the Gawain after renewing my old Lancelot

    +1 3 months ago
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    Good work but a bit hard to control
    And I need to say, Slash Harkens controled by vtol is not a very good idea

    +1 3 months ago
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    135 Zer0x1

    @KudaOni major upgrade to the old one I really like it plus my Raphael was based on the gawain and a little bit of the lancelot

    +1 3 months ago
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    135 Zer0x1

    @KudaOni another fire build bro

    +1 3 months ago
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    135 Zer0x1

    @DISHWASHER2005 oh you buit a Alexander can you try and find it if you haven't deleted it

    3 months ago
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    I built an Alexander in the past but I have forgotten about it

    +1 3 months ago
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    Finally the big boi has come

    +1 3 months ago
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    22.6k KudaOni

    @DISHWASHER2005 Here's the Rebuild!

    3 months ago
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    22.6k KudaOni


    3 months ago
  • Profile image
    22.6k KudaOni


    3 months ago
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