( English version at the bottom of the page )
Je met à disposition un arceau pour , par exemple
améliorer un cockpit . Je précise que je suis pas le créateur de cet objet . Je l'ai trouvé sur un avion . Je ne retrouve malheureusement pas le créateur . Si il se reconnait , je rajouterai évidement son nom sur ce post . Je redonnerai évidement les votes reçus a son auteur .
English version :
I provide a hoop for, for example
improve a cockpit. I specify that I am not the creator of this object. I found it on a plane. Unfortunately, I do not find the creator. If he recognizes himself, I will obviously add his name on this post . I will obviously give back the votes received to its author .
@XEPOH , Thanks for your upvote .
@NoNoLesGaz , merci pour ton vote .
au top merci
No problem @Trainzo
@belugasub , thank for your upvote .
@emanuelga , Not to my knowledge .
@Trainzo Do you know if there is any possible way to do it without mods?
@emanuelga , one mod , Glass by GenrichTitov .
@Trainzo How did you make the crystal?
@emanuelga , yes .
@Trainzo wow, it's been very good, so that's what you meant
@Trainzo you are welcome, my friend
@emanuelga , You can go see, I used it on my latest version of Mig 21 .
@JolyLoly , thank for your idéa and your vote .
@Trainzo yes, I'm modifying to see how it looks
@emanuelga , he regulates himself like an entrance of air .
Add "Parts" tag
@emanuelga , no .
@Trainzo do you have discord?
sorry if the translation is wrong
@emanuelga , I'm waiting for screens impatiently .
it doesn't work for me, because the bottom is visible, just like that for taking the time to do it
@emanuelga , I was sure .
@emanuelga , That's for you . test and tell me .