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whatever tf this is

13.9k d45h  5 months ago
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Auto Credit Based on 42's The Snarler

there was a reason this stayed unreleased until I quit

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor The Snarler
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 80.2ft (24.4m)
  • Length 45.8ft (14.0m)
  • Height 16.7ft (5.1m)
  • Empty Weight 36,719lbs (16,655kg)
  • Loaded Weight 43,562lbs (19,759kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.16
  • Wing Loading 49.0lbs/ft2 (239.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 888.3ft2 (82.5m2)
  • Drag Points 16413


  • Number of Parts 184
  • Control Surfaces 12
  • Performance Cost 996
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    13.9k d45h

    @42 lol I forgot it started from that

    4 months ago
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    40.0k 42

    Out of all of the planes, out of all of the aircraft on SimplePlanes, and you choose this one to “renovate”??

    FANTASTIC!!! Upvoot

    5 months ago