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photon torpedo

500 OscarOh  6.2 years ago
Auto Credit Based on OscarOh's photon torpedo

the final version ag1 to open control it as a plane

Photon torpedo
Photon torpedoes are a standard ship-based weapon armed with an antimatter warhead. They are present in every version of the Star Trek series and are a standard weapon on almost every Federation ship, though in Star Trek: Enterprise, the titular ship uses less powerful spatial torpedoes (guided, rocket propelled missiles) until receiving the more powerful "photonic" (as the characters describe them) variant, though this does not square with established canon because it took place before the "Romulan Wars" in which, to quote Spock in "Balance of Terror", "This conflict was fought by our standards today with primitive atomic weapons". Photon torpedoes first appear on a Starfleet ship in the original series' episode "Arena" as part of the USS Enterprise's armament—in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "The Expanse", the Enterprise (NX-01) first receives photonic torpedoes. Smaller Starfleet craft such as shuttlecraft and runabouts can be armed with "micro-torpedoes", a scaled-down version of photon torpedoes designed for use on craft too small to accommodate the full-sized weapon.

When fired, photon torpedoes usually appear as a spiky orb of energy of varying colours, such as red,[24] orange,[25] yellow, blue, or green,[26] or in the case of The Original Series, red bolts (However Enterprise ignores this). According to the original notes to TOS and The Making of Star Trek, Photon torpedoes are energy shielded to allow armor-penetration. Several episodes seem to suggest this (reference: TNG "Suspicions"). The energy output of a photon torpedo, according to the Technical Manuals is a maximum theoretical yield of 25 Isotons and a maximum rated yield of 18.5 Isotons. According to the TNG Technical Manual, photon torpedoes use 1.5 kg of matter and 1.5 kg of antimatter. However, these amounts would only produce an explosive yield of 64.4 megatons, so a secondary effect must occur to achieve the incredible yields seen on screen. In the TOS episode, "Balance of Terror", Photon Torpedoes apparently replaced nuclear warheads as the primary wartime weapons on Federation starships. The photon torpedo was seen to explode with great force.

Torpedoes are often depicted as being easy to modify to suit specific situations. Despite the stated maximum yield, torpedoes can apparently be made far more destructive with relatively little effort. In Star Trek: Voyager, Tuvok and Kim modify a normal photon torpedo with a gravimetric charge, a Borg technology, to increase its destructive yield to 54 isotons. Kim comments that 50 isotons would have been sufficient to destroy a small planet. Janeway later instructs them to increase its yield even further, to 80 isotons. It is not specified exactly how they modified the warhead, but they only required a few hours to complete the work using materials readily available on Voyager. In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Spock and Dr. McCoy modify a photon torpedo to track the plasma emissions from a cloaked Klingon bird of prey as it attacks the Enterprise-A and the Excelsior, similar to the principal function of the heat-seeking missile.

Photon torpedo launchers aboard ships are shown to be versatile enough to fire probes, which in-universe are designed with this functionality in mind. In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, a torpedo casing is used as a makeshift coffin for burial in space and as scientific probes as in the Next Generation episode "In Theory" and Star Trek Generations. Also in the Next Generation episode The Emissary a photon torpedo casing was used to convey Klingon ambassador K'Ehleyr to the USS Enterprise when no other long range transport was available.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor photon torpedo
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 4.9ft (1.5m)
  • Length 6.1ft (1.9m)
  • Height 2.7ft (0.8m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 13,799lbs (6,259kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.791
  • Wing Loading 466.2lbs/ft2 (2,276.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 29.6ft2 (2.8m2)
  • Drag Points 422


  • Number of Parts 38
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 134