Andrew Garrisphere
35.2k IzzyIA
10 months ago
- jamesPLANESii 10 months ago
- RailfanEthan 10 months ago
- Erc90F4RU 10 months ago
General Characteristics
- Created On Windows
- Wingspan 4.5ft (1.4m)
- Length 1.7ft (0.5m)
- Height 4.2ft (1.3m)
- Empty Weight 74lbs (34kg)
- Loaded Weight 74lbs (34kg)
- Wing Loading N/A
- Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
- Drag Points 999
- Number of Parts 3
- Control Surfaces 0
- Performance Cost 35
If it’s @PlanariaLab correcting an FT issue, you KNOW it’s serious
As for tags, I am referring to the same one as you.
The only tag I know so far that is not in that document is that <scale=
> can be used to stretch text horizontally.I think hpgbproductions' post is the most detailed about the format type.
@PlanariaLab what documentation do you use for labels? I like use this but it doesn't have everything
@PlanariaLab Thanks for this input! I didn't know about that specifier. I'll implement that and credit you in the .py comments
I was concerned that the vertices sometimes jumped to strange places.
There is a specification that FT output switches from float notation toexponential notation when it under 1E-04.
Also, if an exponent is specified for a rich text tag, the tag refers only to the mantissa part.
Since the above is causing some vertices misalignment, it is recommended that the type specifier f be used to fix the output to float notation.
{FT} -> {FT;f}
@FalHartIndustries Since Garrisphere has no back-side, you can seem him inside out when he turns around, causing an illusion that can be hard to understand haha
This gives me a solid 1 fps on my phone lol
And it's spherical! Spherical!
Andrewism is real
Alright, gents.
Let's bring back the Andrew builds.
Garrisonprism when?!
Next: Andrew Garricubeson
@FlirBlitz you imply it ever left us
I don't understand its form
I Sense The Return of Andrewism
@TheNewSPplayer basically its the thing rotating
the little stuff that may confuse you is
the graphics isnt right on it
its like how in roadblocks when something is transparent and another transparent peice is there and theyre layerered in a way that makes the graphics bug out and cause one to appear infront or behind
My brain simply cannot process this image...
Excellent work
This is cursed and i love it...
Please stop you're scaring me