Simple ME163B
1,297 1423448204
7.9 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On Windows
- Wingspan 26.5ft (8.1m)
- Length 19.8ft (6.0m)
- Height 7.9ft (2.4m)
- Empty Weight 6,153lbs (2,791kg)
- Loaded Weight 6,909lbs (3,134kg)
- Power/Weight Ratio 1.626
- Wing Loading 13.9lbs/ft2 (68.0kg/m2)
- Wing Area 495.8ft2 (46.1m2)
- Drag Points 2161
- Number of Parts 73
- Control Surfaces 9
- Performance Cost 353
Power to weight ratio is too small compared to the actual Me 163.