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[LHI] USS Nevada BB-36

17.8k TemporaryReplacement  26 days ago
Auto Credit Based on Blyatnov's USS Nevada BB-36

Original build here

Version without oerlikons (444 parts) here

  • The Defensive warships series hopes to make killing AI warship targets with aircraft 10x harder. (and fun) All ships have a semi-realistic AA complement, with guns that all have semi-realistic ranges, muzzle velocities, firing arcs, and etc.
  • (wiki)
    USS Nevada (BB-36), the third United States Navy ship to be named after the 36th state, was the lead ship of the two Nevada-class battleships. Launched in 1914, Nevada was a leap forward in dreadnought technology; four of her new features would be included on almost every subsequent US battleship: triple gun turrets, oil in place of coal for fuel, geared steam turbines for greater range, and the "all or nothing" armor principle. These features made Nevada, alongside her sister ship Oklahoma, the first US Navy "standard-type" battleships.



Literal aimbot nerf Nevada gunners plz too much ice cream
((Zero here))

Functional armament

(Spawn as AI in aggressive mode, guns will activate and deactivate depending on if they are in arc/range. It will start maneuvering once you get within 5km of it)

- 8x Dual 5in/38 mount
Max range: 16000m
Min range: 1000m
Projectile velocity: 792m/s

- 8x Quad Bofors 40mm mount
Max range: 7160m
Min range: 0m
Projectile velocity: 850m/s

- 38x Single Oerlikon 20mm mount
Max range: 6000m
Min range: 0m
Projectile velocity: 600m/s


  • No particular reason I decided to make this other than the fact that the man Blyatnov himself requested it (atleast I think lmao) so I don't really have anything to say lol.
  • (P.S., the reload rates for the 5in/38s beyond the Bofors max ranges are pretty goofy, I have a solution similar to what I did with Yamato, but it’d require me to republish the craft, so this will only be changed in future builds.)

Enjoy getting obliterated!


Pictured: What is meant to be a zero...

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor USS Nevada BB-36
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 123.0ft (37.5m)
  • Length 582.3ft (177.5m)
  • Height 174.3ft (53.1m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 80,488lbs (36,508kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.167
  • Wing Loading 3,988.1lbs/ft2 (19,471.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 20.2ft2 (1.9m2)
  • Drag Points 97486


  • Number of Parts 710
  • Control Surfaces 1
  • Performance Cost 4,443
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    Pinned 26 days ago
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    7,123 Mahoots

    ah yes, lore accurate Nevada

    20 days ago
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    @Jaspy190 sure, just updated the desc

    25 days ago
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    7,337 Jaspy190

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover huh?

    26 days ago
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    @Jaspy190 Well I'm trying to survive it not make it stronger lol

    +1 26 days ago
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    7,337 Jaspy190

    @TemporaryReplacement wait, is there a chance we could get one without the SIngle 20mms

    26 days ago
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    7,337 Jaspy190

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover idkkkkk, rebuild her in her December '41 configeruation?

    26 days ago
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    @Jaspy190 Well, what should I do now?!

    26 days ago
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    @Jaspy190 Yep!

    26 days ago
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    7,337 Jaspy190

    Is this Nevada in her 1942 refit? Just wondering (I'm trying to paint every ship I can in that sexy af December 1941 paint scheme)

    26 days ago
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    @TheUltimatePlaneLover yep lol, we’re still in big boi territory!

    +1 26 days ago
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    A battleship?
    I'm cooked :D

    26 days ago
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    [LHI Tags]

    +1 26 days ago