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Fleet Review

15.4k iMxr  5.2 years ago

~Clears Throat as he places the needle on the disc, and speaks in a fine Japanese accent as the Japanese music plays in the back~

“Herro, Ladies and Gents. Today, as you see behind mey in dere pwoud dispositions, 5 vewy stwong and powewful ships! As you can see, on dah far left, we have deh IJN Nagato. Its pwonoucned Nah-Ga-To. Got it? Guuud~!, following the Nagato, we have deh IJN Yamato; the stwo-“

~An American soldier barges into the room and quickly states in his bold, strong voice, “Not anymore!”, and runs out~

“Ehh.. Dun’t listen to them. Dey are de bad guys~... Anyways. It’s the stwongest ship of our fweet! And also next to dat we have deh IJN Taihao! A vewy stwong cawwier of ours!”

~Nervouus laugher was heard from the Japanese man as he heard a knock at the door once more, he walks over and carefully opens the door to have to slapped open by a fearsome looking American admiral, who then walked into the room and swiftly flipped the disc off the player, and reached to the shelf, grabbing another record, then placing it on the player and moving the needle back on; blaring the American anthem in its fullest glory as the admiral started speaking in a monotone, strict tone~

“Sorry about him, he’s really a prick in our sides. Anywayssss~… Following up from that whimpy little carrier of theirs, the Tingtong or whatever, we have OUR strongest battleship, the USS Montana. And finally to wrap up this presentation, we have the Midway Class carrier. A very strong, and reliable carrier in our fleet. I hope you enjoyed this Fleet Review! Oh and, sorry about him again...”

~The admiral pointed in a not-so-obvious way towards the Japanese man, who was sitting on the floor, an annoyed face on him as the curtain dropped, and the audience applauded~

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 46.2ft (14.1m)
  • Length 21.9ft (6.7m)
  • Height 6.3ft (1.9m)
  • Empty Weight 2,000lbs (907kg)
  • Loaded Weight 2,001lbs (907kg)


  • Wing Loading 439,839.3lbs/ft2 (2,147,483.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 975


  • Number of Parts 147
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,926
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    2.1 years ago
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    i mean, very nice…
    have any tips?


    2.1 years ago
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    15.4k iMxr


    5.2 years ago
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    15.4k iMxr

    I’m glad you liked it! Make sure to tag your friends and others so they can see this as well! ❤️

    5.2 years ago
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    I like how the Nagato, Yamato, Takao, Taiho, Montana, and Midway were built. Very cool. I LOVE THE DESCRIPTION! ITS FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!

    5.2 years ago