Description: Today you are needed to build a crane based on the drawing for a totally real construction project in Maywar where we are building a new office building.
Rules: Needs to be less than 500 parts, must be a successor, needs desert camo, long/ high reach boom, can not use action group 7, and needs to have a way to lock controls.
Judging: Accuracy to drawing (30pts), decent speed (20pts), functionality (20pts), and stability (30pts). (100pts total).
Notes: Deadline April 24, 2021 (NO EXCEPTIONS of right now.)
Since there are no entries the challenge is cancelled. (For now)
did the Roblox OOF sound GrayStillPlays: this is gonna be a pain of work today :/
@Charris969 XML and Tracks 2 mods are allowed.
XML modding and other mods allowed?