Thx for bronze!
669 Jerba
6.7 years ago
- TheCreatorandDestroyer99 6.7 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 30.9ft (9.4m)
- Length 34.0ft (10.4m)
- Height 10.2ft (3.1m)
- Empty Weight N/A
- Loaded Weight 6,622lbs (3,003kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.226
- Wing Loading 38.5lbs/ft2 (187.7kg/m2)
- Wing Area 172.2ft2 (16.0m2)
- Drag Points 1776
- Number of Parts 25
- Control Surfaces 5
- Performance Cost 230
Yeah, mobile devices can be challenging to use @Jerba
I'm not good at building planes so I just edit others. But I'm on iOS so there's not much I can do. Other than fix weight problems and stuff. Love fixing weight problems cause I just have to add dead weight everywhere.@AnOlympicWalnut @iLikeipads
“Avalanches begin with small shifts.” Good job on bronze! I can’t wait to see what you come up with in the future!