Better cri cri
120 Dabeast350161
4.2 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 16.8ft (5.1m)
- Length 14.8ft (4.5m)
- Height 4.7ft (1.4m)
- Empty Weight 18,741lbs (8,500kg)
- Loaded Weight 19,538lbs (8,862kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.025
- Wing Loading 12.7lbs/ft2 (61.8kg/m2)
- Wing Area 1,543.6ft2 (143.4m2)
- Drag Points 2016
- Number of Parts 188
- Control Surfaces 7
- Performance Cost 1,031
U deserve an upvote :]
@Dabeast350161 😁
@Dabeast350161 hey, nice lol!
@2008abdupro are you 12 because I’m 14 😀
@2008abdupro thanks!
And its almost invinsible
Hey, this is not bad :)