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Seepferdchen Class Corvette

16.6k Fineilldoitmyself  3.1 years ago

The Seepferdchen Class is a group of ten corvettes built for the Royal Equestrian Navy and the Royal Equestrian Coast Guard, and currently operated by the Royal Sovereign Navy and the Royal Sovereign Coast Guard.


Both the Admiralities of the Equestrian Navy and Equestrian Coast Guard desired to obtain new class of Corvettes to replace the old ones. So the Admirals of both branches request permission to the Monarch and the Prime Minister to give them authorization for the new class of ships, and so they gain permission. In 2078, The Monarch and the Prime Minister gave them authorization for construction.

In the Great Country Modern Navy doctrine, Corvettes were the smallest ship in the Navy and the 3rd biggest ship in the Coast Guard. They mostly operate for coastal regions of their national waters along with the Littoral Combat Ships. Most Corvettes were armed with at least 3-5 Ground attack missiles and 5-6 Short range AA missiles, they also have 1 to 2 CIWS implacements.


All ships were named after sea creatures
Auslöser Fisch

Service History

The first ship, Seepferdchen, was launched in Early September 2083. Since she was registered both for Navy and the Coast Guard, Seepferdchen served first for the Coast Guard as an agreement to the branches. Schmetterlingsfisch was launched in Mid January 2084 and joined the Navy according to the agreement, she was later to be joined by Auslöser Fisch which was in Early December the same year. Milchfisch was launched in Mid February 2085 and joined her sister in the Coast Guard. Schwertfisch was scheduled to be finished by Mid October the same year but because the earthquake struck in August delayed her construction and was later launched in Early January 2086, she joined the Coast Guard. Kabeljau was launched in Mid June 2086 and later joined the Navy with her sisters. Thunfisch was launched miraculously the sane year with Mid December and she joined the Navy. Buckelkopf-Fisch was launched in Late February 2087 and joined the Coast Guard. The last ship of the class, Seeteufel, was launched in Early November the same year and joined the Coast Guard.

During the peacetime career, half of the ships served for the coast guard and mostly saw active service there, the other half however help for the Reconnaissance for the navy especially when navigating the Equestrian Rivers. Some of the ships were present on fleet shows and naval exercises, All of the ships were active as part of peacetime agreement.

Sanistan Northern Rebellion
After decades of peacetime career, The Seepferdchens show it's capabilities in the Northern Rebellion where they help the Equestrian relief team evacuate Equestrian Citizens in the area. One of the ships, Shwertfisch, was damaged when the Rebels attacked the Equestrian positions with 200 casualties. Later on, four of the Seepferdchens were sent home with only Seepferdchen, Kabeljau and Auslöser Fisch left to help. The remaining ships stayed in Sanistan Federation until the war ended, none of them were heavily damaged.

Questintonia-Equestrian Border dispute

The Seepferdchens were among the ships that were sent to keep the order in the border between Equestria and Questintonia. Since no actions were really seen in the dispute, No ships were damaged from both sides which gave relief to the governments.


When the war between the United Nations and Southern Alliance, navies on both sides immediately mobilizes all of there forces in control in Antarctica.

All the Seepferchens were transferred to the new unified Royal Sovereign Navy as part of the agreement.

Operation Kontinentale Linienverteidigung
The Operation where the Southern Alliance constructed a heavy line of defense that will play a major role against the UN forces who attempted to cross the river stream. It can also be concluded as the WW2's Atlantic Wall.

All the Seepferdchens saw action in the operation with them assigned to different groups. Seepferdchen and Thunfisch saw active service at the Battle of Land der Hoffnung. They were both assigned in the Royal Antarctic Riverine Fleet and was part of the 3rd Group. They bombarded River positions occupied by the UN forces in Land der Hoffnung. Both ships were damaged during the bombardment but the battle was a victory for the Southern Alliance. Schwertfisch and Lachs was assigned in the Royal Antarctic Fleet were they helped the destroyers and frigates fend off against the American Carrier fighters during an action in July. Both ships were damaged and one of them, Lachs was almost been decided to scuttle but the Destroyer D-51 was able to save her. The action was indecisive.

Kabeljau, Schmetterlingfisch and Buckelkopf-Fisch was assigned to help the 78th Royal Antarctic Strike Group on the west with Northern Navy of North Grim. Both ships was used for making covers against the British Jet fighters who were targeting the ground forces, It was one of the known actions in July. All of the ships were damaged during the action with Kabeljau being the most damaged as she lost all her radars except for the Navigations radar. The action was also indicisive.

(Story unfinished)


These ships were inspired by the Independence Class LCS but was minimized in equipments to be classified as Corvette.

They had 150mm MK56 KA Gun as their main armament, they also have three Reichsrakete mark 1 missiles and six Hanabi short range S-A missiles. These ships were probably my most fastest creation yet, 56 mph is their top speed (48 knots).


-Standard ship controls
-Press the corresponding buttons to activate certain weapons.
-All missiles were independent
-VTOL and Trim for turret controls
Main Armament controls
Passive = VTOL and Trim
Ag2 = Land auto track (Yaw and Roll for adjustment)
Ag3 = Aerial auto track (Use VTOL and Trim for adjusting)


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 51.8ft (15.8m)
  • Length 412.7ft (125.8m)
  • Height 97.9ft (29.8m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 59,754lbs (27,104kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.338
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.033
  • Wing Loading 592.1lbs/ft2 (2,891.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 100.9ft2 (9.4m2)
  • Drag Points 341845


  • Number of Parts 178
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 770
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    3,723 MrOofington

    The Wright Isles Navy And The Coast Guard Would Like To Purchase 4 Seepferdechen Class Corvettes And The Republic Of The Wright Isles Would Like To Have An Alliance With The Royal Equestrian Government.

    +1 3.1 years ago