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MRAV-1A Bulwark

14.7k Onat67  one month ago

General Information

The MRAV-1A Bulwark is a cutting-edge Multi-Role Armored Vehicle (MRAV), designed to bridge the capabilities of traditional Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) and Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs). Unlike typical IFVs that are optimized for combat with moderate armor and firepower, or APCs that focus primarily on personnel transport with lighter armament, the MRAV-1A Bulwark combines the strengths of both categories. It offers enhanced protection, substantial firepower, and significant troop-carrying capacity, making it ideal for leading assaults and supporting mechanized infantry on the battlefield.

This MRAV stands out with its extended body, which provides additional space for personnel and equipment, setting it apart from lighter armored vehicles. Its heavy weapons and thick armor ensure superior battlefield performance and survivability, making it a versatile platform for a variety of combat scenarios.


  • 40mm Auto-Cannon: The MRAV-1A Bulwark is equipped with a 40mm auto-cannon, capable of firing at a rate of 330 rounds per minute. This high-caliber weapon delivers powerful fire against both enemy personnel and light vehicles.

  • Machine Gun Turret: Mounted on top of the auto-cannon turret, this machine gun provides additional firepower for engaging infantry and offers close-in defensive capabilities.

  • Gas Grenade Launcher: Integrated into the vehicle, the gas grenade launcher enables the deployment of gas grenades to incapacitate or disorient enemy forces, enhancing tactical options.

  • ATGM Launchers: The MRAV-1A Bulwark features two Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) launchers, allowing it to engage and neutralize heavily armored vehicles, including tanks, with precision-guided munitions.

  • Integrated Targeting Systems: The vehicle is equipped with modern targeting technologies, including optics and infrared sensors, mounted on the turret and in three separate targeting pods. These systems enable accurate detection, tracking, and engagement of targets in various environmental conditions, ensuring effective operation both day and night. The integrated radar and advanced targeting algorithms enhance the vehicle's ability to acquire and engage targets rapidly and with high precision.


Driver: Responsible for operating the vehicle and navigating through various terrains.

Weapon Operator: Controls the auto-targeting functions or manually fires the turrets, ensuring effective engagement of targets.

Commander: Oversees the vehicle’s operations, makes tactical decisions, and coordinates with other units.

Turret Operator: Manages the delivery of spare ammunition to the autoloader and manually aims the cannon when needed.

10x Personnel Capacity: The MRAV-1A Bulwark can carry up to 10 additional personnel, making it well-suited for transporting troops and leading combat operations.

Photo Gallery


AG1> Open windows
AG2> Open doors
AG3> Open Cupolas
AG4> Lights
AG5> Activate ATGMs
AG6> Machine gun turret rotators
AG8> Main turret rotators
LandingGear> Stabilizer pistons
Pitch> Engine
Roll> Steering
Trim> Turret rotation
VTOL> Gun elevation
Fire Countermeasures> Launch gas grenades


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 11.7ft (3.6m)
  • Length 36.1ft (11.0m)
  • Height 13.6ft (4.1m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 25,100lbs (11,385kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 11154


  • Number of Parts 473
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,867
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    My friend! He's amazing!

    13 days ago
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    14.7k Onat67

    @WaterFlavouredSpitfires Thanks a lot, man! That really means a lot coming from you. I just try to put a lot of thought into the details, but your supports always keep me going!

    27 days ago
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    Onat wth you make such good builds???

    +1 29 days ago
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    @Onat67 well

    one month ago
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    14.7k Onat67

    @Taboritsky @CorporalWojak Oh, yes. But it has to be long cus its a mixture of IFV and APC. To provide more space for turret and personel space i made it long.

    +1 one month ago
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    its so long

    one month ago
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    14.7k Onat67

    @CorporalWojak Why?

    one month ago
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    missed opportunity to call it a caterpillar

    one month ago
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    14.7k Onat67

    @MonsNotTheMonster Thanks, i tried to use them efficient

    +1 one month ago
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    Detailed and it's under 500 parts, nice

    +1 one month ago