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MV New Paradise

39.2k Rudeus  9 hours ago


Nippon Higashi Line

In 2001 Nippon Higashi Line a ferry operator in Japan launches 2 new 195 meter ropax vessel to serve its Northern Japanese operations.The MV Haruna Maru and Kirishima Maru were the biggest vessels of Nippon Higashi Line at the time.Both sisterships serve the Tomakomai-Hachinohe and vice versa route.Both ships were retired in 2023 and was acquired by an Indonesian based ferry operater but was later cancelled due the company ceased operations due to negligence in the sinking of one their ships.In the end they were sold to the Philippines and was renamed as the MV New Paradise and New Inspiration.

Ocean Network Line service

After Reiwan Logistics acquired both ships theu soon arrived in the Philippines they procceded to Batangas for their retrofitting into Ocean Network Line's standards.MV New Inspiration was assigned to serve Manila-Iloilo-Zamboanga-General Santos-Davao and vice versa while her sistership the MV New Paradise was assigend to Manila-Cebu-Cagayan De Oro and vice versa routes.But both werent reassigned as their capacity help boost moving cargo throught Manila.

Atorea Corporations ownerships

An ownership changed happend where Reiwan Logistics became Atorea corporation and mostly took the whole operations of Ocean Network Line and its subsidiaries this includes North Marina Ferries and Archipelago Fast Ferries Inc.


Ag2-Bow Ramp
Ag5-Starboard Stern Ramp
Ag6-Starboard Stern Ramp

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 104.2ft (31.8m)
  • Length 641.5ft (195.5m)
  • Height 143.3ft (43.7m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 121,820lbs (55,256kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.276
  • Wing Loading 4,115.4lbs/ft2 (20,093.4kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 29.6ft2 (2.8m2)
  • Drag Points 631610


  • Number of Parts 862
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,404