Pilot with new seat feature.
13.7k Shnippy
3.3 years ago
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Just put my pilot in the new seat feature. Camera included. Activation 1: ejection. Grab the detacher to save as a sub assembly. Feel free to use this for whatever you want.
thank you to all who enjoy this creation!
Only time shall tell @MobileGamer21
Humm idk if I will use this or make my own I will have to see..
That’s awesome! Can’t wait to see it! I’ll keep the offer of a collaboration in mind for future, I just haven’t really had a lot of focus on this game for a bit. And it’s nice to see that you’re still around as well! @LastManStanding
@Shnippy Aye no problem! I am working on a plane and probably gonna release it soon. If you would like to collab on some things I would be happy to. Good to see you still here!
Thanks mate! And no need to apologize, it’s quite alright. I haven’t been really active on here either. @LastManStanding
Nice Shnippy! Sorry for being offline so long. I have been doing other stuff
@Shnippy yep it will there's mine warwolf987987@gmail.com
Would my Gmail work? @Warwolf182
@Shnippy mmm ok em can I have yours?
For what ever reason I’m unable to send you the friend request. Unfortunately I don’t have instagram @Warwolf182
Oh I forgot to send the friend request. Gimme a moment @Warwolf182
@Shnippy nah no invitation dude 😕 ...you can also try on Instagram same name (Patrice Tremblay) but this one have a black and gold skull from pirats of the carabean sea
I sent a message to I’m hoping you @Warwolf182
Fair enough @Warwolf182
It will be more simple for me
Also you can text me on Facebook men (Patrice Tremblay-I'm holding a Salmon) @Shnippy
Works for me mate @Warwolf182
@Shnippy for me it sound simple, I'll upload only the cokpit for you and you put your Pilot in and you set the "ejecting process" . I don't put a time limit if it take a week or a month I don't care good for you?
Thank you for your offer, however I find myself quite busy these days unfortunately. Tho depending on what you’re wanting me to do, I might be able to find some time @Warwolf182
@Shnippy I've something for you, I want YOU, in my team to upgrade the Hornet, if you're in, I'll contact you on Facebook or Messanger ;)
Let me know!
@Shnippy me two!
No problem mate! Can’t wait to see it! @Warwolf182
@Shnippy yeah! Thanks Buddy!!! Gonna work on it this week!
You can definitely use it! @Warwolf182