2x Bigger Weapons
0 AileronAviation
8.0 years ago
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|2x Bigger Weapons|[Bigger Parts Collection]
2x Bigger Weapons that do 2x damage.
Upvote for 2x Bigger Parts and Gizmos.
|Coming Soon|
-4x Bigger Weapons
|Credit Notes|
-You are free to use 2x Bigger Weapons in Aeroplanes and ect without giving me credit!
Check out Aileron Aviation for more 2x, 3x, 4x parts and other stuff!
Your right as I'm a IOS user and I can't make very good looking planes
No problem
Not anyone can do this, some people are limited, there is no harm in posting this. Also thanks @thequietbob
I was just trying to make the persons day better