High survivabity test
217 Jadog123
5.7 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 108.8ft (33.2m)
- Length 75.0ft (22.9m)
- Height 21.2ft (6.5m)
- Empty Weight 13,477lbs (6,113kg)
- Loaded Weight 30,408lbs (13,793kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.263
- Wing Loading 20.2lbs/ft2 (98.7kg/m2)
- Wing Area 1,504.3ft2 (139.8m2)
- Drag Points 18446
- Number of Parts 105
- Control Surfaces 22
- Performance Cost 786
I spawned it in and destroyed it with a missile. It does take plenty of damage against guns though.
I guess I’m just destructive
I destroyed it immediately 13 times in a row
I conducted multiple tests on its ability to survive certain situations, and here are the results:
Horizontal Crash - When you crash into a flat surface horizontally, for instance, a mountain, it seems that most of the general structure survives, while one of the wings will break off and explode, or the entire thing will explode, depending on where you crash.
Vertical Crash (Dive-Bomb) - Same thing as the horizontal crash, not much else happens.
Wing Clip - If you strike your wing on the tip of a mountain, it seems to hold up perfectly fine, with minimal damage, and if you're lucky, you can even stay flying too!
Fighter Aircraft - I spawned in some AI Fighters to shoot me down, and it seems that this thing's biggest weakness is being shot at, as it will easily get destroyed, due to how once enough parts are destroyed, the structure of the aircraft will eventually just fall apart, since there is nothing left holding it together.
Missiles - I provoked the destroyers at the USS Beast to shoot some AA Missiles at me, and surprisingly, the missiles didn't obliterate the entire thing, but instead they just knocked out a big chunk of the aircraft's fuselage. Obviously, this still sent it crashing into the ocean, but it still held up quite nicely after a missile impact.
Flak Cannons - It was easily able to survive one shot from a Flak Cannon, but all it took was another shot to finish it off, since the first Flak Shot was able to highly damage the majority of the fuselage, and then the next one easily blew it apart, due to the sudden weakness in the aircraft's structure.
Hopefully, this was enough to judge the endurance of this aircraft, thank you for your time reading this.