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1950s bomber challenge (closed)

11.7k DogedogebreadWithAnAK47  one year ago


  • Must carry 4000 lbs of bombs (8boom 50s, 16 boom 25s are allowed)
  • Must be no more than 15000 lbs
  • Must be faster 300 mph



  • less than 350 mph = 1 point
  • ~400 mph = 2 points
  • more than 500 mph = 3 points

    bomb load

  • Extra points per ton (2000 lbs)


  • VR cockpit 1 - 5 points (designing bomber cockpits are hard so do a good job and go the extra mile)

  • feature 1-3 points per feature (Bombay doors, flaps, opening canopy, etc)
  • fictional +3 points


  • any and all bombers using boost multiplier will be disqualified

  • no fuel duping like putting invisible weightless blocks above the plane to have infinite fuel

Thats it hope you can make a good plane

Deadline is (still being decided depending on how many participants we have)

General Characteristics

  • Successors 8 airplane(s) +133 bonus
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Length 3.3ft (1.0m)
  • Height 3.5ft (1.1m)
  • Empty Weight 136lbs (62kg)
  • Loaded Weight 136lbs (62kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 775


  • Number of Parts 3
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 10
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    No. Sorry just realized it still said open

    2 months ago
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    675 Noidtouse

    Is this still going?

    2 months ago
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    @Dogedogebread13 I make plane just as limit but 1000kg more it's it good can I qualify

    10 months ago
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    @Dogedogebread13 hey I use boost multiple but reverse I down the engine power is it ok? Pless tell

    10 months ago
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    yeah it is hard

    one year ago
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    9,210 Kenzar

    I would join but the weight limit..

    one year ago
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    17.4k Geekpride

    Made a second submission, the GP-232 Emmot.

    one year ago
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    17.4k Geekpride

    I'm in with my Lisnox, meeting all the required minimum specifications.

    one year ago
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    Know what, on second thought, it is possible, just barely

    one year ago
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    I want to join this challenge
    But then i saw that i have to make a Bomber that could carry 1.8 (metric) tons of payload with a plane that can only be the weight of a fully loaded P-47, its a pretty tall order, another idea would be an AD-1 Skyraider, but i can't make that either, Because The Weight Limit is Sabotaging It

    one year ago
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    44.2k rexzion

    so you want an 11000lb jet that can carry 4000lb of bombs, what

    one year ago
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    9,210 Kenzar

    @Dogedogebread13 I was going to make a bomber, but 6,800 kg? Thats literally 2 tons lighter than an F-16.

    one year ago
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    Yes, although this is meant for light bombers, stuff like fighters with bombs. Also as I have said I want this challenge to be challenging.

    one year ago
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    1,725 RAIDer1

    My Unloaded weight is 77,000 lbs apropx and loaded weight is 123,000 lbs (with 6,870 gallons of fuel)
    In metric
    35 tons empty
    56 tons loaded
    26000 ltrs of fuel

    one year ago
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    1,725 RAIDer1

    @Dogedogebread13 well ok i miss read it that no more that 15000 lbs of bombs
    Well most of the bombers were in the category of 15 tons-30 tons (medium bombers)

    one year ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    @RAIDer1 ah I see thank you!

    +1 one year ago
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    Actually I had given all parameters at the beginning of the post and you may have just misread it

    one year ago
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    I’m talking about unloaded weight, also this is supposed to be challenging

    one year ago
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    1,725 RAIDer1

    @Randomplayer Emgine power multiplying through XML is also called boost multiplayer

    one year ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    @RAIDer1 really dumb question, what’s boost multiplyer?

    one year ago
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    14.6k Randomplayer

    This is right up my alley

    one year ago
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    1,725 RAIDer1

    Note as u didn't had given any limits at the start i am over it by a lot well and have invested 2 days for productivity in it

    one year ago
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    1,725 RAIDer1

    @Dogedogebread13 in my opinion their should be a weight limit on the airport as during 1950 bomber aircraft development didn't had any limitations they wanted the best .

    one year ago
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    1,725 RAIDer1

    @Dogedogebread13 ah 15000 lbs is only 6.8 tons and the 8000lbs bombs are 3.6 tons

    one year ago
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    also the weight limit (unloaded) was 15000 lbs

    one year ago
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