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I just realized there's no auto credit 💀
Not sure why I would need it considering I built the plane to begin with anyways, but I thought it's worth mentioning that I didn't just randomly build a Tu-4 for this specific purpose because I'm not a no-lifer lol
@ouioui126 Real
Eh except the MiG-13, he can stay just because Monarchii gave him a cool name by changing I-250 to Izso (Monarchii is retired so rip)
Maybe Su-27 too, but emphasis on the maybe
I just realized there's no auto credit 💀
Not sure why I would need it considering I built the plane to begin with anyways, but I thought it's worth mentioning that I didn't just randomly build a Tu-4 for this specific purpose because I'm not a no-lifer lol
Federal Republic of Aurelia was here second
(P for pin)
WSO says it should be third
*But it's a poorly built LEGO
Soviet B-29
@TheUltimatePlaneLover ok ty never expected my idea to be the winner tho lol
@TheUltimatePlaneLover True.
@ouioui126 Real
Eh except the MiG-13, he can stay just because Monarchii gave him a cool name by changing I-250 to Izso (Monarchii is retired so rip)
Maybe Su-27 too, but emphasis on the maybe
@TheUltimatePlaneLover I agree. he should un-russian every Russian fighter plen
Un-Tu's Your Tu-4
@TheUltimatePlaneLover OH LOL
@ouioui126 You'll find out
why does it say it has one part???
@Majakalona I did. Just download it.
also ew please use fuselage smoothing next time
@Majakalona Yeah that's outdated lol
"Last of the peas" they said.
@CaptainBrayden "737 min"
DO 737
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