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WINGSIRON R3350 VORTEXX Azul linhas aereas

32.1k XiShi  one year ago


Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S/A (Azul Brazilian Airlines; atau hanya Azul) ialah sebuah syarikat penerbangan Brazil yang berpusat di Barueri, pinggir bandar São Paulo.[4] Model perniagaan syarikat adalah untuk merangsang permintaan dengan menyediakan perkhidmatan udara yang kerap dan berpatutan kepada pasaran yang kurang mendapat perhatian di seluruh Brazil. Syarikat itu dinamai Azul ("Biru" dalam bahasa Portugis) sempena pertandingan penamaan pada 2008, di mana "Samba" adalah nama popular yang lain.[5] Ia ditubuhkan pada 5 Mei 2008 oleh David Neeleman yang berasal dari Brazil (pengasas syarikat penerbangan murah Amerika JetBlue), dengan armada 76 jet Embraer 195.[6] Syarikat penerbangan itu memulakan perkhidmatan pada 15 Disember 2008.[7]

Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S/A (Azul Brazilian Airlines; or simply Azul) is a Brazilian airline headquartered in Barueri, a suburb of São Paulo.[6] The company's business model is to stimulate demand by providing frequent and affordable air service to underserved markets throughout Brazil. The company was named Azul ("Blue" in Portuguese) after a naming contest in 2008, where "Samba" was the other popular name.[7] Azul is a publicly traded company on the Brazilian stock exchange, with the ticker AZUL4.[8] It was established on 5 May 2008 by Brazilian-born David Neeleman (founder of American low-cost airline JetBlue), with a fleet of 76 Embraer 195 jets.[9] The airline began service on 15 December 2008.[10][11]

A Azul Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras S/A (Azul Brazilian Airlines; ou simplesmente Azul) é uma companhia aérea brasileira com sede em Barueri, um subúrbio de São Paulo.[6] O modelo de negócios da empresa é estimular a demanda fornecendo serviços aéreos frequentes e acessíveis para mercados carentes em todo o Brasil. A empresa foi batizada de Azul ("Azul" em português) após um concurso de nomes em 2008, em que "Samba" foi o outro nome popular.[7] A Azul é uma empresa de capital aberto na bolsa de valores brasileira, com o ticker AZUL4.[8] Foi fundada em 5 de maio de 2008 pelo brasileiro David Neeleman (fundador da companhia aérea americana de baixo custo JetBlue), com uma frota de 76 jatos Embraer 195.[9] A companhia aérea começou a operar em 15 de dezembro de 2008.[10][11]


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor WINGSIRON R3350 VORTEXX
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 117.5ft (35.8m)
  • Length 136.7ft (41.7m)
  • Height 33.1ft (10.1m)
  • Empty Weight 8,582lbs (3,892kg)
  • Loaded Weight 73,328lbs (33,261kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.919
  • Wing Loading 42.7lbs/ft2 (208.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1,719.2ft2 (159.7m2)
  • Drag Points 12123


  • Number of Parts 142
  • Control Surfaces 11
  • Performance Cost 813
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    32.1k XiShi

    Okay I will stop making livery to other aircraft
    And continue making my fictional plane
    Ok, vou parar de fazer decorações para outras aeronaves
    E continuarei fazendo meu avião fictício

    I will do soon :)

    Pinned one year ago
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    32.1k XiShi

    Usando este link :)

    11 months ago
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    Como que eu faço pra colocar esses nomes nos aviões tipo esse com o nome azul como eu faço please

    +1 11 months ago
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    @GlassyBiomNewSPUser ARRIGATO!

    +1 one year ago
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    32.1k XiShi

    @HoshimachiSuiseiMyBeloved yes she's literally me, ur pfp also cute too ;)

    one year ago
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    Ur pfp is cute

    +1 one year ago
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    32.1k XiShi

    @XProAerospaceAircrafts thanks :)

    +2 one year ago
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    Wow, the painting was very beautiful

    +2 one year ago
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    32.1k XiShi


    +1 one year ago