A combat robot based around size to be bigger and reign any ground game ineffective.
VTOL for Forward and Backward Movement, Roll for Turning, Landing Gear for Switching weapon direction. oh and when going Forward and Backward, please set the VTOL switch to as close to the middle of VTOL without actually being in Neutral drive for better turning while driving (i probably made that extremely hard to understand).
@MississippiRiverSteamer you can take off the motors just know that in order for a good weapon spin, you need your motor speed to be over 100, so if the powered motor says "100%", get the overload xml editor and select the powered motor, then you go to the "motor" setting on the overload and change the 1 value to a 6
@MississippiRiverSteamer a free spinning motor attached to the chassis on both sides, both of these have a infinitely spinning motor on the inside, this infinitely spinning motor is attached to the weapon, in allows the weapon to spin using the drag of the free spinning motor, instead of causing the entire bot to spin.
Hey how do you get the spinner to spin?