B-36 peacemaker
14.4k TommySchram13
9.1 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 90.4ft (27.5m)
- Length 75.0ft (22.9m)
- Height 17.9ft (5.5m)
- Empty Weight 10,008lbs (4,539kg)
- Loaded Weight 22,708lbs (10,300kg)
- Power/Weight Ratio 0.593
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.264
- Wing Loading 23.8lbs/ft2 (116.3kg/m2)
- Wing Area 953.6ft2 (88.6m2)
- Drag Points 17027
- Number of Parts 215
- Control Surfaces 8
- Performance Cost 858
Took forever to build! A couple weeks. Did not know the knowledge of simpleplanes then so that is why it took so long.@TheTMac
This is a real plane. It was introduced in the late 1940s. It is a shame it went out of business so fast because it was right after ww2. This is a model of the real one.@TheTMac
This is amazing! Keep up the good work. Is this modeled off of a real plane, or did you make it up?
I say this is. Cool plane!!!
Any time @TommySchram13
I like it!
Cool build,but i can't download because it's not mobile friendly... Sorry