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F-67M "Zenith"

71.3k Rjenteissussy  one month ago
Auto Credit Based on Rjenteissussy's Finale Zenny

Hi guyzzz, while my 2D pixel art challenge was open, I'm makin' this plane, while I'm battling headache due to 20 hours of mobile radiation exposure lmao

I hope y'all good today :)

I present to y'all, The Zenith

(funny/Simplistic) Lore:

The F-67M "Zenith" A Simple Fictional Delta-winged, VR, Interceptor, Fighter Aircraft developed by my own fictional company Rjenteii Industries in the Philippines!

(Simplistic) Features:
  • Fox-3 Invisible smoke trial missiles
  • Custom decal (Looks funny)
  • Virtual reality (Also looks funny)
  • 18x Fox-3 High-speed, Rapid firing Interceptor missiles with a special capability of having no smoke trials, and detonating mid air super duper very close to the enemy aircraft.
  • 2x Fox-1 Guardian missiles used for dogfighting
  • Mid Velocity high damaging machinegun
  • 2x Countermeasures (flares)
Activation Groups:
  • 1: Another VR controls for WSO (If he's guiding a trainee pilot XD / Also kinda messed up when you tried controlling using your mobile phone)
  • 2: Jettison Fox-3 missiles
  • 3: none
  • 4: none
  • 5: none
  • 6: Arresting hook
  • 7: Cockpit canopy
  • 8: none
Normal SP flight controls:
  • 95% Throttle full afterburner

VR seems complicated, pictures are clickable for closer look.

Green: Activation groups (1-8)
Purple: Next Target, Prev. Target (NT/PT)
Red: Next Weapon, Prev. Weapon (NW/PW)
Yellow: Landing gear, Activate catapult (LG/AC)
Orange: Max Throttle, Zero Throttle (MT/ZT)
White: Trim reset (TN)

White: VTOL
Yellow: Throttle, Brake
Green: Trim
Purple: Yaw Rudder
Blue: Joystick

Joystick and Throttle button controls:


  • Trigger: Fire guns
  • Button 1: Fire weapons
  • Button 2: Launch Countermeasures


  • Trigger: Launch Countermeasures
  • Button 1: Next Weapon
  • Button 2: Prev. Weapon

Blue: Non functional
Orange: Landing gear, Fire weapon, Fire gun, Fire Weapon, Brake (LG/FW/FG/FW/B)
Pink: Activate Catapult, Countermeasures, Cycle Targeting Mode, Next Weapon, Prev. Weapon (AC/C/CTM/NT/PT)
Green: Activation groups (1-8)
White: Fire guns, Fire Weapons (FG/FW)
Red: Max Throttle, Zero Throttle, Trim Reset, Next Weapon, Prev. Weapon (MT/ZT/TR/NW/PW)

My (Funny/Random) notes:
  • Custom Cockpit Canopy may annoy lil' bit cuz its moving 😅
  • Takeoff speed: 200kph, 50% Throttle, full trim also countersteer slowly so you wont get unstable 😅 (I don't know how to fix)
  • Poor VR creativity, sorry 😅
  • The Hud design may disappoint you, (Includes the WSO's Controls on his Joysticks 💀🤣)
  • Yes, Zenith from terraria 🗿
  • made on July 7, 2024 Sunday (Pinoy timezone 8:40 PM)
  • "Orange car" and "Sussy Car" was originally based on my lovely pet cats
    Tomcat and Ming-guy. No. 16 on the other hand was my birthdate (1/6/2009) y'all probably knew..

Pics ;)







I hope y'all enjoyed my funny creation!


  • This craft is curated

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Finale Zenny
  • Successors 1 airplane(s) +78 bonus
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 31.9ft (9.7m)
  • Length 46.8ft (14.3m)
  • Height 15.6ft (4.8m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 23,805lbs (10,798kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.764
  • Wing Loading 51.2lbs/ft2 (250.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 464.5ft2 (43.2m2)
  • Drag Points 2228


  • Number of Parts 350
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 1,978
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    Released on July 22, 2024 Monday at 9:24 P.M (Phil. Timezone)


    Auto-Tag'ish list UwU

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    Extra tags:
    @Erc90F4RU (Piczz)
    @PlanariaLab (hud)

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    @Rjenteissussy lel thanks

    +1 one month ago
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    @Eagleman010 sounds funny, i'll take it

    one month ago
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    can you make my AC-400 psm capable plz

    +1 one month ago
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    @RealMicroZackSP Yup

    one month ago
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    I know ur alt

    +1 one month ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @Rjenteissussy Also T pls

    +1 one month ago
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    2,721 IDK0

    @Rjenteissussy DO NOT DELETE THIS POST

    one month ago
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    @NominalSituation lol you don't need to. Thanks :3

    +1 one month ago
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    Awesome plane. I'd spotlight if I could...

    +1 one month ago
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    @EnglishGarden thanks man :D

    one month ago
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    tre bona

    +1 one month ago
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    @Zaineman can you spotlight? I feel myself a failure..

    one month ago
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    @SimplPleyns no reason.. I think I might delete this as well

    +1 one month ago
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    10.8k SimplPleyns

    Why small amounts of upvotes?

    +1 one month ago
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    @Rjenteissussy COOL

    +1 one month ago