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[PEA] Loire 130M

64.0k Monarchii  14 hours ago

  • Chantiers de la Loire 130 on the water, note the stern of the Seaplane Tender MN Commandant Teste on the background

Part-Efficient Aircrafts~!!

weekeeeeendd chiipostinn per uusuuual!!
anyway, the now tangent I wanna ramble is.. in the past all the years the community has passed, and the fact that this is THE WWII standard-issue French ship-launched Seaplane, how have no one made a Loire 130? like yes I know the "hon hon french bad" thing might be a factor but like HOW

well that was my thought like before I started this Loire 130, I'ma be honest, it's a tedious aircraft to build, and to some, probably extremely difficult and especially so if you're trying to save part, but hey, I did it.. admittedly in a very large amount of part count for a standard PEA(and especially me who usually hovers between 60-70 parts nowsays) but yeah..

it's a pretty tedious one, matching this, seaming this smoothly, struts here, wings angled a bit there, it's kinda somewhat a decently tough woodbeam to crack(what), but I'm pretty proud of it, I mean it did to be fair probably won the award for the most tedious PEA I did so far but yeah, hell, I got a new part-saving trick invented for tail elevators so I'd say a very good tradeoff hell yea.

anyway, enjoy my rendition of the Loire 130, someone could probably use this as their seaplane if hon hon french ship and I would be glad if they do cause I wanna see the hognose-faced seaplane take flight from where she's supposed to launch from, and aaanyyywaaay, as usual, toos!!

|[ Controls ]|

  • Standard Aircraft Controls
  • AG1 : Pylon Turn mode
  • AG2 : Manual Flaps & Trim Control
  • VTOL : Flaps

|[ Guidelines ]|

|[ Taxiing ]|

  • hon hon driftou baybeeee

|[ Takeoff ]|

  • Throttle full and Pitch HARD up, it'll takeoff. (if manual, set flaps to half-down and trim to full-down)

|[ Flight ]|

  • Standard Aircraft Controls, AG1 to do the pylon turnips; 60-70% power cruise-arounds is fun with how slow it is in the air, and it's pretty nimble w. the turns too, courtesy of the slow speed of course.

|[ Landing ]|

  • approach water slowly and adjust throttle accordingly, it retains energy quite well, so estimate on how long of a slow-down distance you need w. your engine power; usually you don't need Flaps, but in the case where you do, you're running a tad bit too slow, speed up a bit.

|[ Armaments ]|

  • 2x G2 75kg Bombs(from what I've gathered, it's basically an aerodynamicized 152/155mm naval shell, which is hella hilarious)

|[ Notes ]|

  • w e ball a g a i n
  • honestly, could've done more? I don't know, it's just not possible to do a manually-controlled defensive machine gun, let alone two in span of four parts, nA

|[ Credits ]|

  • @TheCatBaron for the G-limiter

Free to use!

if ya want to make an airbase, or maybe make an airwing for a carrier, or maybe to help battleships lead their shells, you can add and use any of my planes (unless you claim them as your own creation, i will damp your pillows if you do.)

Want More Part-Efficient Aircrafts?

come along come along! we(yes, we.) have a lot of low part, simple, and realistic performing aircrafts for all to use and fight against! light performance cost and AI-spawnable, there's no reason not to! we have the little beloved Fuchs, the graceful Muromets, the Holy Mi-26, and... a lot of obscure aircrafts are available!!

P.S. I'm somewhat closing Community PEA submissions(for now), and I've read some of some feedbacks, i take notice of in particular of course, the lack of quality, especially people mislabelling low-part as "PEA"(yes, miss lunar, i do regret it), and i suppose the lot of it is because they dont know HOW to save part, i don't blame them, but when i get the time, i hope to create a tutorial on how to save part, since I have quite some that i want to share, anyway, toos, and see you later when i get around again, chii-se ( = w = )


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 50.3ft (15.3m)
  • Length 37.0ft (11.3m)
  • Height 12.7ft (3.9m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 7,174lbs (3,254kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.139
  • Wing Loading 12.5lbs/ft2 (60.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 575.8ft2 (53.5m2)
  • Drag Points 3097


  • Number of Parts 92
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 370
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    34.8k Graingy

    "hon hon driftou baybeeee"

    -Mornchi, 2024

    Pinned 14 hours ago
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    41.7k ShinyGemsBro


    18 minutes ago
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    27.5k 126

    @Monarchii glad im not the only one lmao

    an hour ago
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    64.0k Monarchii

    @126 it's chill, I also do so also too lmao, I just occasionally come here around on weekends nows

    2 hours ago
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    64.0k Monarchii

    Alas part count kek

    2 hours ago
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    64.0k Monarchii

    @dekanii yeah, and I also actually wanna make the (was it Darne?) machine gun with atleast the basic shape, like as in there's stock, barrel, body and all, like my Friedrichshafen FF.33 which had a decent looking one

    +1 2 hours ago
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    64.0k Monarchii

    @WinsWings I'm flattered lmao

    2 hours ago
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    64.0k Monarchii

    @Berulacraft glad you like it lol

    2 hours ago
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    64.0k Monarchii

    @Type2volkswagen I see... also, yeah, PEA is basically aimed to be a low-part replica, mostly nowadays I aim between 60-70 with decent detailing, but Loire is just.. a bit ballooned a bit lmao

    2 hours ago
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    291k WinsWings

    I am loving it

    3 hours ago
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    27.5k 126

    @Monarchii hey man, sorry for being less active, i got burnt out on sp so... i decided to play another game.

    4 hours ago
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    16.6k dekanii

    i mean you could make a machine gun with only four parts minimum
    • wing gun
    • wing structure
    • small rotator
    • hinge rotator
    • or if you ditch the wing structure and just manually connect it, then uhh it should be three
    (ah yes i forgor, camera)

    6 hours ago
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    I can't believe it! How can this only have 92 parts? It's incredible!

    12 hours ago
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    do [PEA] builds have to be based on real Airplanes or is it a part count thing???

    12 hours ago
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    I don't remember the builder or the post anymore, I just liked the look of it so I saved it.

    My naming convention tells me that I didn't change it at all (the 3 in 3A.) and that I filed it as an Airplane.... now-a-days I also save the builder name (3A. [builder] ....)
    2A. would mean I modified it enough to consider it my design and 1A is mine from the beginning ....

    12 hours ago
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    64.0k Monarchii

    @Type2volkswagen oh, so someone did made it.. though I'm now a bit curious, was it sort of a fictional spin of sort if you remember the original post? I find it rather oddly cute, the tail and all, was it as is or was there an original 130 it was modified from? apologies for the pile of questions..

    13 hours ago
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    this one was built in 2020, it's not mine, but the original builder account isn't there anymore....
    Loire 140

    I pulled it from my old Hard Drive save files.

    13 hours ago
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    64.0k Monarchii

    @Graingy so quotable, me gneuis

    +1 14 hours ago