S-6 Bronco
16.2k FENRIRpapapa
5.0 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 27.7ft (8.5m)
- Length 47.5ft (14.5m)
- Height 15.0ft (4.6m)
- Empty Weight 13,560lbs (6,151kg)
- Loaded Weight 23,215lbs (10,530kg)
- Power/Weight Ratio 2.032
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.086
- Wing Loading 15.5lbs/ft2 (75.8kg/m2)
- Wing Area 1,496.2ft2 (139.0m2)
- Drag Points 2389
- Number of Parts 172
- Control Surfaces 7
- Performance Cost 954
Thank you very much!!;)@FranzPeterSiegfried
Thank you very much!!!!;)@PlaneCreator1
My favorite Aircraft just like the one on my profile picture , this plane is the best , flys smoothly, and has a nice color . This plane is AMAZING . Definitely Keeping this plane in my storage in simple planes .
Thank you very much!!!;)@SimpleEric @yoshicraze
Thank you for your upvote!!!;)@Rhinosplanes
Thank you very much!!!;)@ThomasRoderick @Thelegitpilot13
Thank you for your upvotes!!!!;)@Wi1dSk7
@FENRIRpapapa ok. thanks
Thank you for your upvote!!;)@TheFantasticTyphoon
Just change the buoyancy@teodor99
@FENRIRpapapa slight question. how do you get the floats to work?
Thank you very much for your upvote and spotlight!!!!;)@KerlonceauxIndustries
Thank you for your upvote!!!;)@Griffinthedragon @Thefrenchdude22
Thank you very much!!!;)@teodor99
You can try my other planes XD @BnanaX
thats the coolest floatplane design i have ever seen! 10/10
Thank you very much!!;)@BnanaX
Thank you for your upvote!!!;)@SodiumChloride @BogdanX
Thank you very much!!;)@Mustang51
This is an incredibly cool aircraft! Nicely done there!
XD thx!!!Glad u like it!!!@RealFlippy
Thank you very much!!!;)Shape is this baby’s soul!!!@Treadmill103
i really love the smoke trail make more