Pocong in SimplePlanes. What? HOW?
Pocong is a kind of ghost in human form wrapped in a shroud. In Malaysia, this kind of ghost is also known as "Hantu Bungkus". Pocong is also known as the ghost of the shroud. Pocong is a ghost that is said to be the spirits of the dead trapped in their shrouds.
According to a circulating myth, the soul of a deceased person will stay on earth for 40 days after death. If the bonds of the shroud are not untied after 40 days, the body is said to jump out of the grave to warn people that their soul needs to be released. Once the bonds are released, the soul will completely leave Earth.
Pocong's form has a charred face with fiery red eyes. Another version states, the pocong has a "flat" face and has hollow or cotton-covered eye holes with a pale white face. Those who believe in the existence of this ghost think that pocong is a form of "protest" from the dead person who forgot to open his shroud before closing his grave. Although in the films, the pocong is often depicted as moving jumping, the myth about the pocong actually states that the pocong is moving levitating around. This is understandable, because in the films the pocong actor can't move his legs so he has to jump up and down to walk. This situation also gives rise to a statement that is commonly used to distinguish the real pocong and the fake pocong in the community:
Belief in the existence of pocong ghosts only developed in Indonesia, especially in Java and Sumatra. Although the depiction follows the Muslim tradition, other religious people can also acknowledge the existence of this ghost.
Do you wanna be a Pocong? Then your wish is become true!
- You can be a Pocong.
- Complicated but easy to understandable control - This jumper walker has a very intuitive and responsive control layout.
- Jump, jump, and jump around.
- Try not to fall.
- Works on the water as well.
- Imagine playing with this in Multiplayer Mod.
- Seriously look at that Pocong's face.
- You can be a Pocong.
Despite you can jumping around, this thing cannot even climb a stairs (Bandit Airport houses), the reason because the hitbox of the stairs is not like an actual stair, but instead it just looks like a slippery slope.
Cannot spawn as AI - AI cannot operates VTOL or even Trim, it just stay idling.
Movement control:
VTOL = Movement 1.
Trim = Movement 2.
Balance control:
Pitch = Tilt forward/backward
Yaw = Turn. It can turn on the ground without jumping.
Roll = Lean left/right.
Slide your VTOL up, and then move Trim up to take precautions. Move Trim down quickly to launch and move Trim back up to normal in the air.
Put both VTOL and Trim control back to 0, or simply, reset VTOL and Trim.
AG8 = Toggle balancing. Turn off to laying on the ground, disable balance control, but movement control is still goes on, turn back on to stand up again.
Control idea: PPLLAANNEE's Minecraft Slime
Alisa's horror experience (Alisa figure by Alisuchanka).
Press [F] for Alisa.
Despite you can jumping around, this thing cannot even climb a stairs.
(Multiplayer random moment) Oooh... You're approaching me.
Sometimes... Life is full of trials and tests.
If only I had repented, I certainly would not have haunting like this. This SUCKS!!!
Hold on, my friend... Time to relive your worst childhood PTSD.
Honorable mentions:
Serem bang, Mana malem malem lagi
@Monarchii very spooky indeed XD
@DatFiat126Guy19 someday, I'll make Mika Melatika as a homage to her, hehe Kuntilanak Gaming XD
@Monarchii i know lmao, also, kuntilanak figurine when.
@DatFiat126Guy19 lmao; Farewellntchii is me too lmao
@Monarchii this is what happens when you take heisenberg's crystals
@Farewellntchii go give a try, m8. It's really fun.
Read the Controls section for the instruction
white spicy indonesian sausage?
more sounds like...
Ghost Villager
Yo pal, how do you think about this monstrousity that i made? XD
@Cereal congratulations, your childhood PTSD has been relived
can see with the torment of the grave btw it's very scary
@Lake i don't know...
what's the mech that the player is using in multiplayer
Jet fighters and its weapons will cure my ptsd on ghosts:P
@LAMBSAUCE boleh, tapi kalau peraturan challengenya juga membolehkan demikian buat memakai build orang lain
Kak boleh ambil build gak? Biasa lomba 17 aug :v
*Laugh In MBT with 130mm Smoothbore Cannon Loaded With Holy Shell
@WolfHunter9111 kan ada Walker dummy Banh itu Abang ambil trs lu ubah (kalo bisa)
He's coming for you.
Awas Ada Mbah Ocong !!!
@InconsistentMuiz Rude Just Saying a Challenge who wanna Join
@KangBaksoSoeharto no, cuz you're too edgy