The beginning
165 MichaelPaterson
2.3 years ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 41.5ft (12.6m)
- Length 37.7ft (11.5m)
- Height 17.1ft (5.2m)
- Empty Weight 7,482lbs (3,393kg)
- Loaded Weight 13,402lbs (6,079kg)
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.145
- Wing Loading 57.3lbs/ft2 (279.9kg/m2)
- Wing Area 233.8ft2 (21.7m2)
- Drag Points 2802
- Number of Parts 62
- Control Surfaces 3
- Performance Cost 386
Your beginning has more of a beginning than my first plane could ever dream of XD
Still has better wings than my builds lol
Nice start!, Pretty fancy for a beginner and simple.
Does rlly fly well. But I’m proud that you made your first real plane. I have a couple too and I recently started getting better.