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Cougar H 4x4 MRAP

21.7k TheWeaver  8.9 years ago
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Auto Credit Based on TheWeaver's 1aaa Cougar

This is the Cougar H 4x4 MRAP. It is a four-wheel drive Mine Resistant/Ambush Protected vehicle used by the US army. I've been working on this one since the beta came out. As usual, a very frustrating process but I think the end result is true to the real design. This model was originally going to have an interior, which is why its hollow, but this is all my computer can handle. Its pretty safe to drive around 25%-50% throttle, after that it gets a bit tricky. Activation group 1 + VTOL rotates the turret up top. Please, comment if you'd like and upvote if you like it. Enjoy!


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General Characteristics

  • Predecessor 1aaa Cougar
  • Successors 6 airplane(s) +14 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 14.1ft (4.3m)
  • Length 31.0ft (9.5m)
  • Height 20.2ft (6.1m)
  • Empty Weight 18,109lbs (8,214kg)
  • Loaded Weight 21,198lbs (9,615kg)


  • Wing Loading 63,020.5lbs/ft2 (307,693.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 0.3ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 17911


  • Number of Parts 755
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 1,972
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    7,599 dabestsock

    @KingBacon it's been that long since he was elected that's crazy

    1.5 years ago
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    Appreciate it bud

    1.8 years ago
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    169 KingBacon

    most of these comments could be used in a nice essay against trump

    8.3 years ago
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    Oh I did find IT... IS... ASWOME!

    8.3 years ago
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    @DragonAerotech you have a lot to say

    8.3 years ago
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    @TheWeaver hey im making a plane and im new to this so how do you the fuselage blocks big enough to cover a whole wing

    8.3 years ago
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    YES WOOOOOOOO where is it? lol

    8.3 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    @Tymberwolfman Its uploaded!

    8.4 years ago
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    cool let me know when it is done please@TheWeaver

    8.4 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    @Tymberwolfman Thanks man! I've got something in the works currently, pertaining to sci-fi.. Should be done soon.

    8.4 years ago
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    8.4 years ago
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    he's actually called Rainy.

    +1 8.7 years ago
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    Amazing model, a guy called ryan used your jeep and didnt credit you aka he thought ppl would think thats his, i think you can remove his model.

    8.7 years ago
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    @Myobia I know I've heard some of their work but it's been some time. Thanks for the suggestion! ^_^

    8.9 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    @jonahmz Haha yeah. After all the parts started bogging my pc down I just said "good enough". But don't worry, what I'm making right now turns really well and has some pretty advanced suspension I'm fooling around with.

    8.9 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    @DragonAerotech Do you listen to Tool? I feel like you do.

    If you don't, you should. You'd dig it.

    8.9 years ago
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    315 jonahmz

    its a good and all but it cant turn

    8.9 years ago
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    4,833 Anshrew

    @Myobia I don't want to get into a huge discussion, but what I stated earlier was just my opinion. However I don't think that the U.S. Government is run by terrorists, but yes they do sometimes use fear to get what they want. And I agree that the war on drugs does more harm than good, and it would open up places in jail for actual criminals, which we need to have desperately. I don't want to get into further discussion, as you obviously know this stuff way better than me, and I just don't want to get into a discussion about politics.

    8.9 years ago
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    @Myobia Through neglect of education and omitting key information from the history and forbidding new events from appearing in media they inspire ignorance. I know exactly what you mean. I see them every day - people who have ceased all thought and just drone through their lives, content that their little world begins and ends with their' social relationships, their salary, their 30 year mortgage, their 2.5 children, their hybrid cars and their cell phone with their 1,001 selfies and pictures of things you couldn't care less about. My family and I have coined a particular word for those individuals who never stop to contemplate the situation beyond their own "little world," and that word is "cattle."

    In the words of Socrates - "The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance." In my opinion it is a crime that American citizens do not know how much the US has done beyond our borders that has fostered the hatred of the peoples' of numerous countries. It is also a crime that American citizens accept the information that is spoon fed to us via media. "THIS crime was committed with a gun! Guns are bad! We must forbid people from owning large capacity clips oh - guns too!" The blissfully ignorant cattle simply nod their heads in agreement - not realizing that they have just snipped a piece right out of "The Right to Bear Arms." (Nevermind their ridiculous arguments as to why that right is outdated. It was not a right given by the founding fathers to kill racoons going after their chickens, nor was it given to defend against bandits or indians on the frontier. It was given to us, explicitly, for if after the passage of time we found ourselves oppressed by another corrupt government regime. Now, here we find ourselves. However "cattle" are just too content to care; For now.

    8.9 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    @DragonAerotech By ignorance I don't exactly mean nationwide education in schools, more as the fact that so many Americans are blissfully unaware of the horrors that have happened in the past, happening currently, and unaware that we do not live in a free country and one that is rapidly becoming a police state. The more "civilized" we are, the more the light fades from our eyes as the earth is ravaged forevermore while we deny our true impact.

    8.9 years ago
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    @Myobia Thanks for the commendation on my previous post. I'm not sure I can agree that America's government, media and market is entirely run by terrorists. However I will confess that there IS fear of the federal and state governments within the United States of America. It is rapidly growing into a police state. Our media is censored, live broadcasts receive a mandatory seven second delay to aid in that endeavor and media coverage of worldwide situations are often omitted from the mainstream media sources - especially if it paints the country in a bad light. We hear comparatively little about US involvement in Syria, Afghanistan and the build up of forces outside the borders of the Ukraine. This past year Operation Jade Helm had the entire country on pins and needles - anticipating a declaration of martial law or worse. Rumors led to other rumors, some indicating that Russian warships were in the Gulf of Mexico anticipating a Texan declaration of independence others rumored that UN units were positioned at points in Canada and one or more states to monitor the operation. (I cannot confirm whether either rumor was true.) However, private citizens shadowed military maneuvers over much of the country and were prepared to act if it was deemed necessary. Presently, Trump sounds like he might make it to office. Frankly, he frightens many, but his radical views and outlandish behavior suggests a fundamental shift in governance. Whether it will be for better or worse, remains to be seen, though his hard-line against allowing Muslims to enter the country seems to trample on the Bill of Rights - but his viewpoint of illegal immigrants and actions taken to rectify the matter may be necessary for the common citizen to be assured a place of work. (Provided that Trump does not make it even easier for industry to move their production overseas.)

    As for the War on Drugs, I never considered when it began, but it does make sense that it was Nixon's brain child to cripple the naysayers regarding our presence in Vietnam - which I confess - I do not think we had any business being there in the first place. It was France's mess and as such they should have cleaned it up or stepped down entirely. However I think the war on drugs now has two objectives now. First, to cripple the income of SOME Fundamental Islamic nations in which opium is their primary cash crop. Secondly, I believe it is an outdated measure of keeping the FDA as large and powerful as it is. Were drugs legalized, licensed for distribution and taxed it could increase the US Budget by leaps and bounds - with the added bonus of creating a "safe" and untampered with supply of product AND crippling the primary means of income for organized crime. (Naturally there should be some sort of stipulation in which a user cannot use state or federal medical program funds to treat any of the side effects or overdose.)
    As far as living in a nation of ignorance and propaganda I have nothing to counter that with. Our rights have slowly been stripped away from us and explained away as a measure to improve security and safety within our country. Going back to ignorance, the United States as of 2010, ranked 54th in Educational Expenditures in terms of percentage of the GDP dedicated to it; Tied with Belize. As of January 2015 the United States ranked 14th in Education, ranked just above Russia and just below Australia.

    8.9 years ago
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    @Anshrew When US Airmen or RAF Airmen for that matter, joined their respective air forces, were they not signing up knowing full well that they may die in their fight against the Nazi or Imperial Japanese regime? Did they not kill hundreds, if not thousands? What about those men on Enola Gay or Bock's Car, flying solo flights, stripped of defensive armaments, into a nation's airspace that had active fighter units that could have intercepted them? Were they not willing to die for their cause? The crew of Enola Gay had the blood of 90-146 thousand people on their hands after the initial destruction, not counting those who died years later as a result of the complications that followed their' exposure to radiation; MOST of which were innocent civilians. Afterwards Truman called for Japan's surrender and threatened a rain of death the likes of which this world had never seen. When they failed to surrender the next attack was carried out. Nagasaki, which was struck by Bock's Car, killed between 39-80 thousand again not counting those who died in the years that followed. In Hiroshima there was a garrison of 30 thousand troops while Nagasaki had a mere 9 thousand. You can attempt to excuse their deaths by saying it was done during the course of war between two nations. However, those civilians had NO warning the way they would have had if large formation of B-29s had approached those cities. Is this not also terrorism?

    8.9 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    @Anshrew America's government is run by terrorists. American citizens are "protected" by terrorists. Terrorists decide what laws are passed here, terrorists decide what goes on TV, terrorists control the media and it's terrorist agenda, educational systems are monitored by terrorists, everything you buy is advertised to you by a terrorist, and you're probably a bit of a terrorist yourself for buying into the corporate America. Terrorism is killing or using fear as a means to get what you want. There have been terrorists in America WAY longer that there have been in the middle east. Ever hear of the War on Drugs? Did you ever think about it? Did you ever think that it's a bit hypocritical that we make some harmless drugs illegal, yet alcohol is legal (which kills people all the time)? Why is it illegal to get high? Why are some drugs allowed? Why are they so harmful? Look it up, Nixon started the war on drugs as a way to cleanse his society of Hippies and black people. Tell me that's not terrorism. Sending someone to prison for life for not doing anything morally wrong is just as effective as killing them. We live Iin a backwards country that's fueled by Propaganda and ignorance, and when things need to get done, it's an immature power struggle between two groups of idiots who don't know how to compromise. It doesn't matter how the rest of the people are affected. Nobody in power cares about you. At all. Why would they? You don't make any money for them. They would kill you if it meant more cash. These people are terrorists, and these people exist.

    8.9 years ago
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    21.7k TheWeaver

    @DragonAerotech Damn. Really well said man.

    8.9 years ago
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    4,833 Anshrew

    @DragonAerotech I do agree that killing someone should not be casual, but when it comes to terrorists, who are willing to kill hundreds and don't care if they die doing it, it is something that must be done.

    8.9 years ago
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