Man Lions Coach
15.0k MrChubs
11 months ago
No Tags
IM BACK! I ALWAYS COME BACK!!!!!!! controls: Ag1: headlights and the rear lights, ag 2 and ag 3: blinkers, ag 4: reverse lights ag5: the lights inside the bus, VTOL: opens the front door Trim: opens the back door Landing Gear: opens the baggage door. I ALWAYS COME BACKKKKKK! enjoy!
- ConvoyPerson 11 months ago
- Zerkk 11 months ago
General Characteristics
- Created On Android
- Wingspan 9.0ft (2.8m)
- Length 41.3ft (12.6m)
- Height 12.8ft (3.9m)
- Empty Weight 12,449lbs (5,647kg)
- Loaded Weight 12,685lbs (5,753kg)
- Wing Loading N/A
- Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
- Drag Points 11145
- Number of Parts 345
- Control Surfaces 0
- Performance Cost 1,314
Very cool👍
@SilentGuy001 your welcome!
sheeeeeesh thanks so much for doing my request man!!
Busss bussss busss
Mclaren solus gt is almost done! All is left to do is add the wing and some other minor details.
@ZerkkZxe well, when i started making vehicles they didnt look as good as i make them now, so it takes some progress. You could make buses better than i do lol.
Ok this bus looks better then mine.🥲
Take my upvote.
@LunarEclipseSP i dont add interiors that often cuz im not too good at making them, they look potato
Finally... Glass
Next car coming up: Mclaren Solus GT