Victory day 79th anniversary flag
70.8k 929
7 months ago
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 13.1ft (4.0m)
- Length 3.7ft (1.1m)
- Height 6.6ft (2.0m)
- Empty Weight 2,176lbs (987kg)
- Loaded Weight 2,992lbs (1,357kg)
- Wing Loading N/A
- Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
- Drag Points 7267
- Number of Parts 60
- Control Surfaces 0
- Performance Cost 139
Your name is unknown, your deed is immortal
-Tomb of the Unknown
Sorry about the delay, I’ll be still working on this even though I’m preparing for my exam from May 20 to May 30, and also I’ll post the teaser today ; )
The Power of the People
This isn't their victory day. This was supposed to the day for WW2 allies but Russian made it like it's their day
happy victory to the lesser of two evils
why russia when theres ukrange
@Graingy it was all of the allies that should be celebrated
@Graingy That is true
Fortunate Son plays in background
Only 10 more miles till were in Soviet airspace, get ready!!!