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KSS Admiral Winter Flake

16.6k Fineilldoitmyself  3.4 years ago

KSS Admiral Winter Flake, nicknamed Die unsterbliche Flocke, was a Battlecruiser designed and constructed by the Kingdom of Equestria for the Equestrian Navy, and currently operated by the Royal Sovereign Navy.


The Equestrian Navy proposed an act that will prohibit them in constructing new class of Vessels that will succeed and replace their older ships which were in service for almost 45 years since their commission. The act proposed a construction of 4 new classes of ships which incorporates Destroyers, Cruisers, Amphibious Landing Ships and Battlecruisers each total estimated budget of 790 million Sovereign Currency for creating and testing. The act was approved and the designing of the new classes were authorized. This led to the design of Number 2035,the first concept of Admiral Class. The design were armed with 6x SN Ordnance Mk13 15 Inch Guns in 3 turrets, 2 Dual Anti-Ship Missile Modules, numerous CIWS implacements, Multiple AA Platforms and have a target men of 850-1000. For it's propulsion, it was expected to be powered with steam turbines and have a top speed 35 knots. The ships were designed, not to be used for engaging head on ships, but to be used as fire support ships in times of Amphibious Operations. The design was approved and the construction begins, she was the lead ship of the Admiral Class and was named after Admiral Johanna Winter Flake. Her fighting capabilities were centered around the Millennium Combat Systems but they lack Anti-Submarine weapons. Her construction begins in Late August 2079 and was launched in Early September 2089.

Service History

Early Career

She entered service in Early September and departed her homeport in Liberty to begin her exercises in the Southern Antarctic Sea. She joined the Ocean Fleet Group and was the flagship of the 3rd Ocean Bombardment Squadron. On the peacetime of her career, she was the one of the 3 active ship on her class as the rest of the 2 were in reserve. She was mostly present on Fleet shows and foreign naval exercises.


The outbreak of the UN-SA War in 2102 on the Antarctic Regions broke her peacetime career. She was now part of the Royal Ocean Fleet in this time. As the Flagship of the 3rd Ocean Royal Bombardment Group, her group were authorized to cover Royal Sovereign Troops that are defending the Antartic territories against the UN forces. She and her group were repeatedly ordered to change positions in order to escape enemy aerial assaults. Although this procedure was repeatedly used, their presence was still detected and this contributed to the reactivation of the Iowa Class Battleships. She was also used to cover newly commissioned ships back to the Main Land URSS. When the war is over, She received 3 Battle Stars and 1 award. She was hit by at least 4 missiles but never seem to hurt her thus she continued serving.

The 2nd Great War

She was present during the Sanistan Attack on Birch Harbor, which was the opening move for the bringing the Royal Sovereign States in the war. There, she was moored on the Center Part where she was attacked by at least 12 missiles, only 4 successfully struck her with almost all do not deal significantly heavy damage. During the attack, she shot down 23 Aircrafts. She took part in the Great Naval Evacuation conducted by the Royal Sovereign Navy, there she provided heavy AA power and was struck by 3 missiles and shooting down 10 missiles and 11 Aircrafts. She sustained moderate damage at that time but was able to keep herself intact. When the Operation was successful, she received repairs and was not seen for the next 7 months. She returned back to service Late March 2111, she and her group was the only Bombardment group in full Sea Going service as all other Bombardment Groups were authorized to stay as Fleet in Being.

Invasion of Rhondensa

The first Offensive Operation of the Royal Sovereign Forces is the Invasion of Rhondensa. She was ordered to sail to Gorodona and provided heavy artillery for Amphibious Operations, she was assisted by her sister Admiral Hood and the Battleship Luftwaffe. She was repeatedly attacked by the Rhondensa Aircrafts but were managed to be fended off by escorting ships. She stayed for duration of the Invasion for further fire support. After the invasion, she sailed back to the Antarctic Harbors to be repaired and resupplied. Then, She proceeded to sail for the Invasion of Elementia.

Invasion of Elementia

The Second Offensive Campaign of the Royal Sovereign Forces in Early 2112, the first targets of her group were the communication relays lying on the shores. They were well hidden and thus Air supports will have a hard time bombarding such targets. Admiral Winter Flake was ordered to pound the beachheads for 5 hours straight, this resulted in high casualties for the defenders. During the bombardment, she was attacked by 5 squadrons of Elementia's Jet Fighters and was struck by 2 missiles while taking down 7 aircrafts and 8 missiles. One of the missiles hit her Anti-Ship Missile launcher that caused a huge explosion luckily for the crew, the fire didn't spread and she continued to provide fire support. Later on, she was replaced by her Sister Admiral Hood and Luftwaffe as she was ordered to return to the Antartic Ports for repairs ending her participation in the Invasion.

Operation Verrat

Battle of Crystal Strait
Months after the Invasion of Elementia, repairs on Admiral Winter Flake were finished and she was able to sail and regroup with Admiral Hood and Luftwaffe in the port of Bordeval in State of Crystal. The Ocean Royal Bombardment Group was ordered to sail for the beachheads of La victoire in preparation for Operation Verrat. While en route, they were able to unify with the 7th Ocean Strike Group thus temporarily forming the 3rd Combined Group. They made contact with the Sansitan 1er groupe de frappe combiné that were ordered to form a blockade in the opening of Strait Crystal. The Sanistan Ships open fire with their missiles targeting the warships Admiral Winter Flake and Admiral Hood but missing Luftwaffe. 7 missiles were launched as the their opening move, 2 missiles successfully struck the warships (1 on Admiral Hood and 1 on Admiral Winter Flake) but dealt only small damage. Admiral Hood and Admiral Winter Flake screened Luftwaffe to avoid getting hit by missiles. Winter Flake launched her first Anti-Ship Missiles to an enemy hitting the Destroyers Glorieux and Glorieuse with moderate damage. She was hit by a torpedo from the Cruiser Indépendance but she was saved by her in built torpedo bulges. In 45 minute Battle ended with the victory for the Royal Sovereign as they stopped the attempted blockade of the group. She was moderately damaged but like any other scenario, she was able keep herself intact (Hood and the cruisers Victor Frederick Christian and Wake Islands are the heavily damaged ones). 3 ships of the group were recalled for repairs and they were replaced by the Battlecruiser Admiral Harley Preston, the Snowball Class cruiser Snow Fall and the destroyer Flexibility. The 3rd Combined Group was disbanded and the ships returned to their original groups as they sail towards La Victoire.

Battle of La Victoire
Upon the arrival of Admiral Winter Flake and her bombardment group, the 4th and 8th Bombardment Group of the Antartic Fleet, the 1st and 5th Bombardment Group of the Home Fleet and the 12th Bombardment Group of the Ocean Fleet were already begun their bombardments on the beachheads to support the Amphibious Operations. While they were in position, waves of Sanistan Aircrafts of mixed types attacked the bombardment groups damaging their escorts. Admiral Winter Flake shot down 47 aircrafts and 39 missiles while being struck by 5 but was still able to carry out fire supports. Her sister, Admiral Harley Preston, was forced to retreat after being struck by 7 missiles which 2 made critical hits and disabling her turret A and C which leaving Admiral Winter Flake and Luftwaffe to carry out the mission. At 2nd day of the Battle, the Troop Ships begin to arrive to prepare for their invasion on La Victoire as well as new hordes of enemy Aircrafts which delayed the invasion. Admiral Winter Flake shot down further 27 more aircrafts and 12 missiles while not getting struck by any. After the attack, she resumed her fire support duty and after the 2 day long battle, La Victoire fell to the hands of the Royal Sovereign Forces. After the battle, she continued to ferry troops back and forth from her homeport to the beachheads of La Victoire. She was recalled back to her homeport for repairs and resupply.

Surrender of the Sanistan Fascist Regime and Awarding

She was present on the surrender of the Sanistan Fascist Regime on the March of 2112 and was moored in the Gulf of Lumière du soleil along with several Royal Sovereign Warships and Exiled Sanistan Warships. After the surrender, she returned home and was awarded with 7 battle stars and 4 awards for her service in the Great Country. She earned the nickname "Die unsterbliche Flocke" due to numerous attempt to sink her with missiles but was able to fend them off or even after getting hit, she was still able to perform fire support. After the awarding, she spent her next 3 weeks in Home port for further recruiting and retraining of her crew in preparation for their next Operation on the Pacific Theatres to help their Japanese Allies.

Pacific Theatre

Operation Hauptverkehrszeit
The Whole Royal Ocean Fleet was ordered to sail towards the mainland Japan undetected in order to assist them. They sailed on the coastal regions of Antartica and towards the Southeast Ocean of Australia where they were halted due to warnings of Australian Authorities that Chinese Vessels are swarming the areas to the North. In these case, Admiral Gregoria sent a message back to Admiralität des Königreichs that sailing undetected to Japan is impossible and they'll need to deal with Chinese Warships first before sailing progressively to Japan.

Battle of Coral Sea
In July 25 2112 at 13:42, The Royal Ocean Fleet engaged the Chinese Fleet which is steaming towards Australia. The 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group and the Ocean Strike Groups 6th and 12th formed the temporary Australien kombinierte Gruppe in order to fend off the South Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy. Admiral Winter Flake was the first ship to open fire targeting the Destroyers Hefei, Xining and Taiyuan. She was targeted by the said ships and fired 12 missiles towards her, She was able destroy all of them without getting struck. She was once again get targeted by the Jet Fighters from the Carrier Shandong, this time she was hit by 2 missiles but didn't really dealt heavy damage towards her and was able to continue. She shot down 17 Aircrafts, 20 Missiles and sunk 2 warships and damaging further 3. After the battle, The Royal Sovereign Navy and the Australian Navy were able to fend off the advancing Chinese warships in the Coral Sea with great loses to the PLAN, Admiral Winter Flake was recalled and receive temporary modules to repair her since she was away from the Main Bases. She was resupplied and was ready for the Battle of Arafura Sea.

Battle of Arafura Sea
The Chinese South Sea Fleet once again attempted to make a breaking point in the Sea of Arafura and Sea of Timor which were known as the Battle of Arafura Sea and the Battle of Timor Sea. Admiral Winter Flake leads the Australien kombinierte Gruppe towards Arafura Sea for standoff. She was once again the first warship to Open Fire against the Chinese Warships, immediately disabling the Destroyers Taiyuang and Nanjing. She shot down 12 Aircrafts and 20 missiles while being struck by 2 missiles which struck her missile module station and once again causing a huge explosion to her amidships, this time the fire spreads towards her 3 AA Platforms and causing further explosions disabling her amidships CIWS. This caused moderate damage causing her to unable to carry out Anti-Ship mission for the rest of the Battle. 25 minutes into the Battle, She was ordered to recall in order to avoid being sunk and the left the duty with Admiral Hood and Luftwaffe. While retreating, Admiral Winter Flake destroyed the Frigates Yantai and Yancheng with one salvo while being chased. She was out on action at around 31 minutes and was able to get to a good location for repairs. The Battle of Arafura Sea and the Battle of Timor Sea was a Royal Sovereign and Australian Victory and total loss to the PLAN as the South Sea Fleet was left with only quarter of it's forces with no Fleet Carriers and Amphibious Ships left for repairs. 3 days after the Battle, The Ocean Replenish Fleet along with Convoy CTJ12 arrived in Australia to repair and replenish the Royal Ocean Fleet, addittionaly 10 more warships arrived to reinforce the Fleet. The Australische kombinierte Gruppe was disbanded and all ships returned to their original groups. The Royal Ocean Fleet once again was ordered to sail for Papa New Guinea.

Southeast Campaigns

Battle of Sulewest
August 24 2112, The Royal Sovereign Ocean Fleet, with the authorization from the Indonesian Government and the Papa New Guinean Government, make a transit in Banda Sea for their Island Hopping Campaigns. This is the first time in the History of the Sovereign States to conduct such campaigns. They make a stop at the southern ports of Indonesia and there, they conducted their first mission which is invading Sulewest, east of mainland Indonesia. August 25, The 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group, supported by Indonesian ships, sailed to their designated location without encountering any resistance from the PLAN. At around 4:34, they begun bombarding the beachheads. Admiral Winter Flake was ordered to strike any communication looking outpost in order to avoid enemy responses, she carried the mission and successfully destroying 3 outpost. The Invasion lasts for 1 day and Sulewest fell to the hands of Royal Sovereign States and Indonesia. Without receiving any damage, the 3rd Bombardment Group were ordered to sail for the coasts of Borneo.

Battle of Java Sea
August 26 2112 at 12:00, The 3rd Bombardment Group encountered the reinforced South Sea Fleet of the PLAN. As the only large battalion in the area, Admiral Gregoria ordered to hold the mouth of Java Sea with the support of the Indonesian Navy. At 12:15 the ships begun exchanging fires, Admiral Hood was the first ship to open fire launching half of her Anti-Ship Missiles, the next is Admiral Winter-Flake while Luftwaffe was set as an AA Platform. Gregoria was able to send a distress call towards the bases in Australia and Indonesia so squadrons of the 2 nations were called out immediately. During the battle, Admiral Winter Flake shot down 45 aircrafts and 49 missiles but was strucked by 12 missiles which heavily damaged her. Same scenario with Admiral Hood which was strucked by 17 missiles, Luftwaffe was struck by 15 missiles which moderately damaged her. At 12:52, The 6th Ocean Strike Group, the 12th Ocean Strike Group and Indonesian Ships begin to arrive on the scene and was able to fend off the advancing PLAN forces. The Battle was a victory for the Royal Sovereign Navy, the Indonesian Navy and the Australian Navy. Admiral Winter Flake sustained heavy damage during the battle but she was able to survive along with Luftwaffe (Admiral Hood, D-66, D-71, Admirable, Aurora and Commonwealth were sunk during the battle). The 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group were ordered to retreat back to Indonesia for repairs and was replaced by the 12th Ocean Bombardment Group for the Invasion of Borneo. Admiral Winter Flake stayed there for 3 months to complete her repairs ending her participation in the Western Invasions of Southeast Asia. She was battle ready in December and was prepared for the Philippine Campaign.

Philippine Campaign

Invasion of Mindanao
After Christmas Day, The 3rd and 12th Ocean Bombardment Group, along with the invasion forces from Indonesia and Australia sailed for the Invasion of Mindanao. While en route, they were attacked by Land-based aircrafts. Admiral Winter Flake shot down 12 aircrafts and 16 missiles while gettimg strucked by 1 which didn't really dealt any damage to her. The Ocean Bombardment Groups arrived at Moro Gulf in preparation for the Invasion, Admiral Winter Flake was the first ship to open fire on the enemy positions with her 15 Inch guns, she was followed by Luftwaffe and her sister, Admiral Carter Williams. They were attacked once again by Land-Based Aircrafts but was able to fend off with minimal damaged. At the 3rd day of the Invasion, Admiral Winter Flake and her Group were ordered to sail for the Gulf of Davao to open another front. She once again bombarded the Beachheads for the next 15 hours. The Invasion lasts for 2 months and the Royal Sovereign States, Indonesia and Australia were victorious as Mindanao fell to their hands. During the duration of the Invasion, Admiral Winter Flake and her group was repeatedly attacked by Land-Based Aircrafts. They were able to fend them off while sustaing light to moderate damaged but Admiral Winter Flake was only lightly damaged (most of the ships who revieved moderate damage were Frigates, Destroyers and Cruisers). The Ocean Replenish Fleet arrived in Mindanao at early February of 2113 which enables the Royal Sovereign Navy to replenish their supplies and recieve repairs. Admiral Winter Flake was battle ready for the 2nd part of the Campaign on the Philippines.

Invasion of Leyte
The 3rd Bombardment Group arrived at the Leyte Gulf in February 14 for the Invasion of Leyte. Admiral Winter Flake and her group bombarded the beachheads for 6 hours until the Invasion Troops arrived on the scene. After staying on the Gulf for 2 weeks, the 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group was ordered to sail for the beachheads of Bohol through Surigao Strait.

Invasion of Bohol
Arriving at Bohol, Her Group begun bombarding the beachhheads to create a clean route for the Invading forces. They were once again attacked by Land-Based Aircrafts but was ablr to eliminate them all. Admiral Winter Flake shot down 7 aircrafts and 12 missiles without getting struck by one. She stayed for the duration of the Invasion and was recalled back to Leyte for resupply before sailing towards North Panay.

Invasion of Panay
Admiral Winter Flake and her Group sailed for North Panay to bombard it's beachheads. Panay is the last island needed in order to create a connection towards Mindanao. The stayed for the duration if the Invasion, changing different positions to give the best fire support missions. The Invasion lasts for 14 days and Panay fell to the hands of the Royal Sovereign States. Admiral Winter Flake and her group was ordered to stay on Panay to act as deterant vessels and their duty was replaced by the 12th Ocean Bombardment Group which was now tasked to Invade MIMAROPA. Admiral Winter Flake now sailed back and forth from Panay, Bohol and Leyte ferrying troops and carrying supplies, as well as tasked to lookout for Chinese Vessels. She stayed their for 3 months and now her group was tasked to sail northeast to bombard positions in Bicol Region which will mark the beginning of The Invasion of Luzon.

Invasion of Bicol Region

In May 3 2113,The 3rd and 12th Ocean Bombardment Group sailed from Panay to Masbate in preparation for the invasion, then they sailed out for the coasts of Albay and Camarinas Sur as Sorsogon and Catanduanes was left for Indonesian and Australian Forces to carry out the Invasion. The Battleship Questintonia was the first ship to open fire and she was followed by Admiral Winter Flake.
While bombarding the coasts they were attacked by Chinese Aircrafts, Admiral Winter Flake shot down 7 aircrafts and 10 missiles without getting struck by any, they continued to carry out the bombardment mission with minimal damage (Only D-73, Flakes Fall, Snowball and Aerospace was damaged but wasn't very serious). The Groups stayed for the duration of the Invasion which lasted for 3 weeks. After the Invasion, Admiral Winter Flake and her group was ordered to sail for Calapan to act as deterant forces as the authorities reported that Chinese Forces were spotted sailing close on Scarborough Shoal located on The West Philippine Sea.

Battle of West Philippine Sea
On May 25 2113, The 11th Ocean Strike Group and the 9th Ocean Carrier Group spotted a large Chinese Formation on Scarborough Shoal, presumably en route to reinforce the Chinese Forces in Luzon. The 3rd Bombardment Group was ordered to sail directly for Scarborough Shoal along with the 11th, 15th and 8th Ocean Strike Groups. While en route, at 12:34, the Group was attacked by large hordes Carrier-borne aircrafts. The aircrafts targetted the capital ships of the Bombardment Group, this included Admiral Winter Flake herself. During the assault, she shot down 12 aircrafts and 21 missiles while getting struck by 2 but didn't deal serious damage to her. Able to fend off the attack, The Royal Ocean Groups pressed on towards Scarborough. At around 13:50, the Chinese Ships and the Royal Sovereign Ships made contact with each other. D-34 was the first ship to open fire, she was followed by D-74,D-35, the cruiser Miya II and Admiral Winter Flake. The Royal Sovereign Ships and the Chinese Ships exchange for the next 10 minutes until Admiral Winter Flake finally struck the Destroyers Nanchang, Dalian and Changsha with 2 of them reported to immediately sunk. Submarines were also present in the are and manage to get close to Royal Sovereign Lines, The Submarine Changzeng 520 manage to hit Admiral Winter Flake with 2 torpedoes on the Portside but Admiral Winter Flake survived whilst just listing 8 degrees to the Port. Changzeng 520 attempted to make a break out of the lines but was destroyed by Miya II's Anti-Submarine Mortars. The 45 minute long battle ended and the Royal Sovereign Navy was victorious. Admiral Winter Flake sustained moderate damage after getting torpedoed and was ordered to sail back to Calapan for repairs. The PLAN once again lost a handful of ships while the RSN lost only 1 ship, D-35. At June 5, Admiral Winter Flake sailed out of Calapan to regroup with the 3rd Bombardment Group which was tasked to sail for Balayan Bay for the Invasion of Batangas.

Invasion of Batangas

At June 5, Admiral Winter Flake, along with the cruiser Catherine I and the Battleship Luftwaffe, sailed towards Balayan Bay for the Invasion of Batangas. Upon arrival, Admiral Winter Flake immediately carried out the mission with her 15 Inch guns. She stayed there for the duration of the Invasion which lasted for a month. After the Invasion, she and her group sailed for the Battle of Corregidor.

Battle of Corregidor
During the Battle of Corregidor at July 5, Admiral Winter Flake and her group was attacked by land-based aircrafts. She shot down 14 Aircrafts and 27 missiles while getting struck by 3 with 1 striking the Anti-Ship Modules once again making her unable to carry out Anti-Ship Duties. The Battle lasts for 4 hours, Admiral Winter Flake was the most credited for the destruction of the Island. She pressed inwards for the Battle of Manila.

Battle of Manila
In June 5 the same day, Admiral Winter Flake pressed inward towards Manila bay so she could provided heavy bombardment at the Battle of Manila. She and her group was located near the coasts of Manila Harbor, there she bombardment Chinese Positions with mix Missiles and Shells from her large guns. She stayed there for the duration of the Battle until captured which lasted for 4 months. After the battle, she and her group were authorized to stay there and act as deterrent group, their group was replaced by the 12th Ocean Group Bombardment Group. Since then, she carried troops back and forth from Batangas to Calapan and vice versa. The Philippines was liberated after a year and a half battles. With the Philippines being liberated, the Royal Sovereign Navy was able to press forward for mainlands Japan. The Royal Ocean Fleet was ordered to regroup at the coasts of Aparri, then they sail to the Islands of Batanes and stayed there for 3 days. After that, they sailed out undetected towards the Island Okinawa. The Royal Ocean Fleet sailed for 2 and a half week to reach Okinawa undetected. Upon arrival, the 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group and the 12th Ocean Bombardment Group were immediately ordered to battle ready for the Battle of Okinawa.

Operation Waffenbrüder

Battle of Okinawa
Upon arrival to the coasts of Okinawa at November 10, The 3rd and 12th Ocean Bombardment Groups were attacked by Land Based aircrafts. Admiral Winter Flake shot down at least 15 aircrafts and 26 missiles while getting struck by 2 missiles which damaged her Anti-Ship missile launchers but no missiles exploded as they were stored inside of the ship to avoid catastrophic results if it was struck by missiles. Admiral Winter Flake Bombarded the coasts of Itoman, Nanjo, Yonabaru and Nishihara to open the invasion. She bombarded the beachheads for 12 hour straight non-stop. She stayed for the duration of the Battle which lasted for 2 months and 2 weeks, The Battle was a victory for the Royal Sovereign States. Admiral Winter Flake pressed on for the Island Hopping campaigns for the rest of the Okinawa prefecture although they left behind Senkaku Islands for the Philippine, Indonesian and Australians to carry out the mission. The Royal Ocean Fleet however stayed on the Okinawa Islands for 4 days for replenishment before heading out for the Invasion of Kyushu.

Invasion of Kyushu
At February 6 2114, The 3rd Bombardment Group arrived at the coast of Minamiosumi to make way for the invading forces. Admiral Winter Flake shelled the coasts for 7 hours straight non-stop. She stayed there for 5 days before moving out for the Bay of Shibushi. There she bombard the coasts of Shibushi and Kushima for 12 hours straight. She stayed there for 3 days carrying out her duties until it was captured by the Royal Sovereign Army and the Marines. She then pressed forward for the coasts of Nichinan, she bombarded the coasts for 7 hours straight for 2 days before being captured, She then sail for the coasts of Miyazaki Prefecture. She bombard the coasts for only 3 hours before getting reported that the ships of the 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group were almost running out of ammo, Admiral Winter Flake was one of them. They were ordered to recall back to Yakushima Island for resupply ending her and her group's participation in the Invasion of Miyazaki. Her resupply lasts for 5 days to be fully loaded, she and her group were battle ready and was able to catch up for the rest of the Invasion. Kysuhu fell to the hands of the Royal Sovereign States after intense fighting for 1 month and 2 weeks. She and her group was now ordered to sail for the coasts of Kochi to open the Invasion of Shikoku.

Invasion of Shikoku

Battle of Kochi
The Invasion begins at the opening of March, as Admiral Winter Flake approaches the coasts of Kochi Prefecture. At that time, She and her group were attacked by Land-Based aircrafts again, but this time the aircrafts were now flying at small squadrons rather than before. She shot down 9 aircrafts and 12 missiles while not getting struck. She then begin to bombard the coasts of Kochi as the Royal Sovereign Troops begin landing on the beachheads, she and her group were deployed between Tosahimizu and Shimanto. During the battle, She was repeatedly ordered to change postions to provide heavy fire support. She was present on all the coastal missions that will made impact towards the battle. The one-sided Battle of Kochi lasts for 3 weeks with the Royal Sovereign victory, Admiral Winter Flake was able to finish the Battle before running out of Ammunitions once again. She and her group were ordered to stay on Tosahimizu for resupply before participating at the Battle of Tokushima.

Battle of Tokushima
The 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group sailed out of Tosashimuzu and reached the coasts of Tokushima at March 25. As a classic performance, Admiral Winter Flake bombarded the coasts for 18 hours straight while changing deployments. She stayed during the duration of the battle which lasted for 1 and a half week. This is the last battle of the 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group on the invasion and they were ordered to stay on the coasts of Tokushima to as deterant vessels as the 11th and the 12th Ocean Bombardment Groups along with the rest of the Ocean Fleet were participating at the rest of the Invasion as well as the on going Invasion of Chugoku. During the 3rd day on the coasts, the Chinese Forces attacked the 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group using cruise missiles on a nearby missile platform, Admiral Winter Flake and Luftwaffe along with 3 other warships were moderately damaged and was sent back to Nahari for repairs. The Missile Silo where the cruise missiles were launched were later destroyed by the Aircrafts from the 7th Ocean Carrier Group 8 hours after the attack. Admiral Winter Flake and Luftwaffe were repaired for as long as 4 months, 2 months late after the beginning of the Invasion of Kansai. After returning back to duty, Admiral Winter Flake and Luftwaffe rushed for the coasts of Wakayama which is one of the opening grounds of the Invasion.

Invasion of Kansai

Battle of Mie
Admiral Winter Flake and Luftwaffe arrived at the mid Battle of Mie. Admiral Winter Flake and Luftwaffe were authorized to bombard the coasts of Shima to finally made a breakthrough passage inwards. This the only Battle they've participated with as the rest of the Bombardment Groups were deployed on Osaka and Hyogo. The Battle of Kansai lasts for 5 months before the final positions fell to the hands of the Royal Sovereign States. The 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group now prepared for the final Invasion on Japan, The Invasion of Kanto.

Invasion of Kanto

Battle of Kanagawa
The 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group arrived at the coasts of Yugawara on September 19 for the beginning of the Invasion. With the Japanese invading the northern part, the Royal Sovereign Navy was able to focus on one point. Admiral Winter Flake was ordered to bombard the areas for a whole day straight, she briefly change her positions from the coasts of Yugawara, Manazuru, Odawara, Ninomiya and Fujiwasa as the battle progressed. Kanagawa fell to the hands of the Royal Sovereign States for about 2 weeks of fire fight. Admiral Winter Flake and the rest of the 3rd sailed for the coasts of Tokyo Bay.

Battle of Chiba and Battle of Tokyo
Admiral Winter Flake and the 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group were ordered to bombard the inward coasts of Tokyo Bay to support the advancing JSDF troops from the north which already pressed in-wards of Chiba. She bombarded the coasts of Sodegaura and Ichihara. JSDF Troops arrived at the said coasts after 3 days of bombardment. Since the bridge connecting Chiba and Tokyo collapsed, the JSDF Troops will now needed to travel across Chiba in order to arrive at Tokyo. While the JSDF Troops are busy travelling across Chiba, the Royal Sovereign Troops are now advancing inwards for Tokyo with the help of Admiral Winter Flake's fire support and the rest of 3rd Ocean Bombardment Group. The Battle ended after 1 month of hostilities and finally, Japan was liberated from the Chinese. Admiral Winter Flake and the rest of the Royal Ocean Fleet stayed stayed inside and outside of Tokyo Bay to witness the celebrations. This also marks the end of Operation Waffenbruder. After 2 months on Japan, the Royal Ocean Bombardment Groups was ordered to sail for Fukuoka for the preparations on the Invasion of Korea, this time with the help of United Eastern Front Forces led by Japan.

Invasion of Korea and Invasion of Mainland China

With the presence of UEF, along with the previous Royal Sovereign allies; Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and India, the Royal Sovereign States were no longer needed to be present everywhere and just let their allies do the plan for themselves. Admiral Winter Flake was present on all of the Invasion forces with her bombardment role. As Korea and China were getting occupied slowly, the Royal Sovereign Ocean Fleet were ordered to stay on the Pacific Theatre for the duration of the war to act as deterrent forces. The war finally ends in December 12 2119.

Final awarding, post war service to present

The Royal Ocean Fleet were finally called home for their awarding ceremonies. She arrived back to the mainland URSS after 2 months on sea. For her full time service, she had received a total of 24 Battle Stars as well 11 awards for her participation at almost all Major Operations of the Royal Sovereign Navy. She is among the most decorated warship in the Royal Sovereign History. Her nickname live upon herself as the most immortal ship of the fleet. Her recognition of awards came from the Nations she was present in when she took part in those operations such as Australia, Inonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan.
She was still in service up to this day as the flagship of the Bombardment Group.



Standard ship controls
VTOL and Trim for turret controls
Only the Fore and Aft turrets are free from Ags. The Ags worked the same as designs. All the controls are the same. All missiles are free to use.
Ag1: Train main guns to starboard
Ag2: Train main guns to Portside
Ag7: Lights


All stories and events are fictional and doesn't have any connections to the real world.


General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 115.2ft (35.1m)
  • Length 1139.3ft (347.3m)
  • Height 181.2ft (55.2m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 155,759lbs (70,651kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.432
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.025
  • Wing Loading 167.3lbs/ft2 (816.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 931.2ft2 (86.5m2)
  • Drag Points 55032


  • Number of Parts 582
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,426