Pull challenge have I gone to far
180 lukasc
8.1 years ago
I think i went to far... nah
If you want to see the more insane one go here
General Characteristics
- Created On iOS
- Wingspan 194.0ft (59.1m)
- Length 204.3ft (62.3m)
- Height 50.0ft (15.3m)
- Empty Weight 185,675lbs (84,221kg)
- Loaded Weight 620,316lbs (281,371kg)
- Power/Weight Ratio 0.434
- Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.012
- Wing Loading 105.4lbs/ft2 (514.6kg/m2)
- Wing Area 5,885.6ft2 (546.8m2)
- Drag Points 98660
- Number of Parts 458
- Control Surfaces 8
- Performance Cost 3,249
@lukasc wow
And I finished my ultimate creation at this link https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/nczoO5/C-420-Cthulhu-pure-insanity
@toofast2002 I just finished my ultimate creation which instead of carrying 3 of the boxes it slugs around 9 I'll be uploading it soon
@lukasc congratulations on going way to far
@SkullsAndCrossbones atleast congrat him
@SkullsAndCrossbones well shut up I still waiting to upload my version of complete insanity and that flies as well