Welkome to The IRL Glider Challange
In this challange you wil be making A real glider!
PLS read The rules
1.It needs to be a real replica of a glider
-There are exceptions.
-for example if the glider looks like a modern glider and it looks like it could
fly in real life then i could be counted, but that will be strictly checked.
2.Atleast more then 75 Parts
-This rule is made so that you take your time and try to make a really good
looking glider.
- But ofcourse if i can see that you really did your best and it looks good i wil
Certainly count it. even tho its under the part minimum
-Try your best and dont steal someones planes .
-older builds can also be supmitted.
- And try to make it a Successor.
3.overload and fine tuner are alowed to be used.
-The only mods you can use are overload and fine turner.
4.Feel free to submit multipole gliders.
your glider will be rated on e few things
-The the fuselage 1/10
-The wings 1/10
-The tail 1/10
-Stickers/call sign 1/10
-gimmics for just for example (wingflex,any lauch-system) wil get 1/10 rating
-and realism 1/10
the flying experience
there are 3 categories you can have a ,Fun,realistic,aerobatics.
try to put the categrie in your discription
-Roll 1/10
-Yaw 1/10
-Glide ratio
-flying/landing experience 1/10
Good luck !!
- FlyingThings 1.9 years ago
- MAHADI 1.9 years ago
- GuianLorenzo 1.9 years ago
- WinsWings 1.9 years ago
General Characteristics
- Successors 8 airplane(s) +641 bonus
- Created On Windows
- Wingspan 1.6ft (0.5m)
- Length 3.3ft (1.0m)
- Height 3.3ft (1.0m)
- Empty Weight 595lbs (270kg)
- Loaded Weight 595lbs (270kg)
- Wing Loading N/A
- Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
- Drag Points 385
- Number of Parts 3
- Control Surfaces 0
- Performance Cost 7
We need more gliders and interesting air planes. Too tired of seeing another Su27 or F22. This need a spotlight
@TheAviationBoy Nice dude
Hm. Never made any replica of a glider before, might try.
Yes please!
@Rainbowdash247 ik make a different post for that with all the build and there rating
How can we view the challenge entires once the challlenge is over?
@100 yes sure
Is designs that will eventually become a real glider allowed?
I'm in! I'll make my glider soon
@TeodoroG here is the new challange
@WinsWings (in real life) so a replica
What is IRL stands for?
@FlyingThings its on
My not that simple glider that destroys my device
My entry btw ^^^
@WinsWings Forgotten P-63
vintage glider time
@WinsWings saaaame. it's the same 4 modern planes. they're cool but sheesh
@SMB76new yes it can have an engine if it’s a self starter
Can the glider have an Engine for Start?
@TheGliderGuy ok thank you
@SMB76new Ay mate if you are talking to me. il Maybe make aan ASK-21 after the Glider im making right now i can maybe also make that livery.
HEY HEY. please can you make the glider that im flying its the LS-21 D-6949
here more info https://www.google.com/search?q=D-6949&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwifmNjuvsj-AhVOmycCHYkKB3gQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=D-6949&gslcp=CgNpbWcQAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToHCAAQigUQQzoECAAQHjoGCAAQBRAeOgYIABAIEB46BwgAEBgQgARQygpYtyNgtidoAHAAeAGAAdYEiAHFEZIBCzAuMS4zLjIuMC4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWewAQDAAQE&sclient=img&ei=n5dJZNMIM62nsEPiZWcwAc&bih=881&biw=1280#imgrc=Val-HmtWnujfCM
@FeatherWing Nice mate goodluck
Might give this a go. I have a good idea.