Well, this is an easyer bomb sight, allowing the pilot to focus on flying rather than looking through bomb sights. at 265 mph , 13.688 seconds per mile so at 3 miles, 41.06 seconds ?. 38.87 seconds for 2.84 ground miles straight or 3.059 miles direct. So when you are at 6,000ft altitude above the target and facing flat at a 0 degree, angle. When your cockpit tells you, you'r at 3 miles from the target, push vtol all the way down. If you keep speed: course and heading: when the lever hits the x and stops moving, you will be 3 seconds from drop time :though early drop time is recomended for better chance (carpet bombing) I am lazy. If you like this: jst tell me and i will do more calculations for different speeds and altitudes ect. Enjoy!