This torpedo is fully funcional, and actually contain a bomb, so if it hit a ship, it really explode with a big boooom and a ball of fire and smoke. Already attached to a pilon, and is setted up to activate torpedo's engine and being dropped pressing "2". Ready to be used as "sub assembly".
Please, leave me a little credit and upvote this if you use my torpedos.
looks great now i just have to try it out.
Ayyyyy! I suck at torpedoes, so this is a yes
@Baldovino Thanks
@Sirstupid I'm doing a submarine, so I will adapt the torpedo. today or tomorrow I will look at it. ;)
It won't fire.@Baldovino
@Sirstupid i think you must change pilon with longer one, but no, i havent, sorry
@Baldovino Do you have a ship-mounted one?
Going on my JCF Jones
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