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I've been seeing alot of these airbrake memes. What are they? What's the meme? Is there a meme or is the hive mind hopping on a band wagon that hasn't reached me yet?
I am German and I have 1 thing to say.
@THEEND8238927373627 lol
@MrCOPTY it looks more like obsidian than platinum
@MrCOPTY thanks!!
@JustDragon Congrats On Platinum Man
Idk I guess Germans liked air brakes
I've been seeing alot of these airbrake memes. What are they? What's the meme? Is there a meme or is the hive mind hopping on a band wagon that hasn't reached me yet?
No I have friends that do, deepL is a great tool. Although sometimes I know a general idea what is being written. @ThatRandomCouchPotato
gasp German Germany
Bro you speak deutch?
Was für eine wunderbare Konstruktion!
ok maybe i will
im not going to upvote it