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Your job is to make an airplane that can fly stable for 10 seconds without losing altitude
- Must be sucessor
- Max. Part count : 600
- No Mods allowed
- XML and fine tuner allowed
- Dont steal other creation
- Cant be ground vehicles
- 20 = how long it can stable (+10 if it can stable more than 10 sec)
- 20 = interior (cockpit, etc.) ((You dont need this)) (((but if you want just put it)))
- 20 = Description
- 20 = Weapons (you also dont need it) ((but if you want just put it))
- 20 = How smooth it is
TOTAL : 100
by points and upvotes
15th July 2022
@ThereIsNoahScape np
@RealOsazPeople thanks! :)
@ThereIsNoahScape oh btw congrats for silver
@RealOsazPeople ok. I'll get working
@Hikikomori 10000ft
@ThereIsNoahScape just make your best plane and submit it,
At what altitude?
@RealOsazPeople yeah but it says you get points for it meaning no interior or weapons= less points=not winning
@ThereIsNoahScape you dont need interior and weapons.
I want to participate but I do not want to build a plane with an interior and weapons 🤣🤣💀💀