Nofferston's Servant MRAP with a stabilized 106mm recoilless rifle.
The gun might be a bit off for the damage model of Nofferston's other tanks; feel free to fix it. Along with that, I also messed with the movement controls (I made it wasd(still activated with 1)( the turret uses yaw and trim))
The start of the Second Warlord Period meant that factories were scarce, and the fiefdoms needed to own the means of production if they were going to win wars. Wanting autonomy since the end of their defeat in the First Civil War, The Hasedian Clique was determined not to make the same mistakes and to purge the continent of the phony Communism of the PRE. With stolen MRAPs and captured factories, Hasedia got to work producing experimental recoilless rifles to mount on the trucks. The technical was largely successful at its role until the end of the state by the Federalists - providing indirect fire support and transporting infantry.
I've been making these posts to mess with formatting.
link to og build
map is areoclub2 and Kumamatanga Archipelago
Kremlin is the best!