This is a very simple pod that I made in about 30 minutes. You can strap this on to a Su-25 or use it for your other personal reasons.
Note: Usually there are five rockets but due to the properties of fuselage cutting, there are only four on this. I just wanted to tell you that this is not the most accurate model of the actual pod.
This is fairly simple to operate for all you have to do is strap it onto something, point, and shoot.
Comes up in Air-to-Ground as "S-13 Rocket Pod"
@Zalyarowskaya interesting
@MrCOPTY S-13 is name of the rocket, not of rocket pod, the rocket pod itself called B-13L, yes, it does have 5 rockets instead of 4 but i know why author did only 4, it's almost impossible to make accurate B-13 even with fuselage slicing
@ManManTheWeaponsMan Ops, I Don't Read It, I'm Lazy.
@MrCOPTY yeah I explained that in the note
S-13 Can Carry 5 120mm Unguided Rockets, Not 4, Still Good.
not bad
Looks nice